Well done amazon, Not!!

Even i've got confused about your changing delivery requirements just reading your post.

They're replacing it and giving you £40 quid of vouchers, i think that's fine tbh? I mean, does it even need replaced?

I've used amazon for years and years, and I have never once called them, you appear to have called them at least twice regarding this one purchase.
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I have ordered things of less value, mabye around 200-300 quid and still been given a one time password. Strange you didnt get one on that.
We get this all the time for all items we order. Amazon driver is no where to be found by the time I open the door. Cancelled Catsan litter subscription after getting many of them left in the wet over several months, the best bit is they've asked me if I could ship the wet 20L bag of litter back to them. That one made me laugh
Pretty annoying on a delivery like that but not surprised. Our Amazon deliveries just get left on the step unless it’s got a passcode
That is poor but at least amazon rectified the situation without any hassle.

Whats the deal with deliveries these days anyway? OPs parcel wasn't delivered, it was abandoned, albeit very close to the destination!
I guess profits are so good they can write off all these undelivered items? :/
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I totally get that leaving a big ticket item in the rain is somewhat boneheaded..... however there is the flip side however. 90% of my deliveries are left when i am not in, sometimes down side of house part hidden and sometimes in full view on the front door.

of these 90% the majority have rain resistant packaging.

IF none of these deliveries were left it would be a right pain in the ass - and indeed those 10% which are not only taken away but not even left at a local pick up point are even more inconvenient. So long as Amazon are happy to carry the can if someone grabs a 5 finger discount i am actually ok with them leaving....... I suspect there will be a tipping point where if you claim more than a set number of items are either damaged or stolen you will be blacklisted from having stuff left.

i would say IF you generally value having stuff left, and if the item works, becareful what you wish for in regards to returning an item.... Personally if it is for a gift i am fussy about the packaging. if its for me then so long as it works and the warranty is intact i do not care
ok checked over and has brown stain across bottom
contacted amazon, put me through to india, point blank refused to replace tv, offered refund only as tv has gone up in price, made a complaint, manager i asked for also refused, hung up, went back through to phoned amazon uk, their response was, of coarse you can havea replacement :cry: :cry:
never talk to amazon india, bunch of clowns

you can make out mark on taskbar. just
talking of shocking warranty honouring - this is not aimed at amazon but another company wit ha similar experience to you

the inlaws got us a slow cooker for xmas, and the controls dial snapped, it will only be a matter of time before it fails completely. my Father in law has the receipt so returned it to lakeland.

the woman there said you cant have a refund because you have had the slow cooker for over 6 months but the product has gone up in price £30 so if he wanted a warranty replacement he would have to pay £30.

he tried his best but the woman would not budge........ rather than pay the money he took the broken slow cooker back and phoned their HQ. a new cooker is now being sent out in the post and on arrival the broken one will be put in the box and it is being sent back at lakelands cost.

but that was shocking service imo, and as an elderly feller in his 80s i dont know if it was the store trying to take advantage......... or if the staff are ignorant of their legal obligations. neither is a good look for the store.
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always stand your ground and take it up the chain of command and things will budge i have found
absolutely.. i would have been asking to see the manager that is for damn sure.... but like i said, i wonder if they didnt just see a man in his 80s (albeit a 6foot 4 inch lump) and think they could bully him. taking the cooker back home is probably not how i would have done it..... but the result was the same how he handled it, he is getting the new item.
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