I think Kroenke should sell his share to a rich Arab but we all know that ain't gonna happen.
This is what the recent fuss from Arsenal fans has been about regarding Kroenke. No doubt it'll be ignored by the posters on here though.
It will be ignored by people because it's nonsense. He doesn't say he doesn't want to win he said solid business foundation and building from that. Spending beyond the clubs means like, lets see, Portsmouth, Bolton, QPR, Leeds and other clubs did... how did that go exactly?
How much cash do Arsenal have in the bank, right, generally between 180-240mil, of which legally we only need around 25mil in there due to the terms of the debt. Has Kroenke taken that money out of the club? Did Kroenke refuse to give Walcott a new contract, did he refuse to pay bigger wages for Cech? The answer to those is no. Walcott getting a new contract is a choice Wenger made, the wrong choice. WE have a huge wage spend and rather than put those wages towards a better player for which we absolutely have the transfer funds to find and wouldn't move to a unsafe business situation by doing, thus Kroenke has no problem with, would have helped the team. Instead Wenger CHOSE to give more money to a useless little ****.
Spending beyond your means is bad, and using that to blame the owner over Wenger because unlike Roman he's not willing to dump billions in losses over a decade is nonsense. Most of the spending Chelsea/City did was wasted, they had so much money and constant stream of new managers that both teams could have easily spent 1/3rd of what they actually did and have had the same starting team for the most part.
Certain people choose to ignore that. Go back and look through which players got bought and were rubbish, unwanted by the manager, basically took no part in their success or played barely any games, there is literally hundreds of millions of waste that almost anyone could see was a waste before they were bought. Panic, stupidity and a race to the top was what pushed Chelsea and City spending. More importantly they had the money to not be careful and throw money at the problem... they had it and spent it, it doesn't mean they had to spend that amount to obtain the success. Wenger never needed to suddenly build a team over the space of two years so expecting him to spend the same or suggesting he couldn't do better because he didn't do that is nuts.
You know which CHelsea manager in the past 10 years chose all the scouts for the youth team, chose all the coaches for the youth setup, every physio, doctor, who built the training facilities... none. Wenger did though on every count there. The very nature of being in charge for so long and starting with a brilliant team meant only a couple of top players needed replacing every couple of years. The problem is the youth output at Arsenal has been a joke and Wenger's replacing of top players with inept idiots and they keeping them around forever is unforgivable.
Think about it like this, Mancini arrives at City, needs a winger and has to buy whoever is available but good enough for a title side and costs them 25million. Wenger had a stable top team already, he could scout around and find a replacement on his own schedule, if and when a player becomes available he can choose to bring that guy in and sell someone else.
We got Pires for 6mil and sold Overmars for 25mil because we had time to make that call. Mancini, Mourinho, City/Chelsea simply were never in that position. We can track a guy for three years, talk to his agent, get them to want to sign for us and time the move well. City/CHelsea had a new manager. Spending being an excuse is ridiculously oversimplified, completely ignorant of the difference in situation a long term manager and Arsenal and Wenger specifically had compared to teams who weren't at the top attempting to buy success overnight and even then the massive amount of waste involved. Both City and CHelsea could have spent at least 50% less and still had the same titles and mostly the same team to show for it.
Kroenke not wanting the club to get into big debt with massive overspending is both sensible and not at all related to why and how Arsenal are how they are.