Its absolutely shocking to see just how much the media are hating on Arsenal.
Sure we all know for the past few years we aren’t good enough for a top 4 spot.
But what makes me laugh the most is you don’t see this level of hating on Utd, Liverpool or Chelsea. I’m pretty sure that if they had lost that final, they would be slated but it wouldn’t be on going for the next few days.
Did anyone honestly think we would beat City?? Come on!!! It’s bloody City, a team that is running away with the league and have only suffered one loss all season.
The way arsenal are at the moment, I gave them absolutely no hope of winning.
I could understand if it was say Wigan or a lower league team beating us. That would be unforgivable but it was City and I imagine any team would have struggled to beat them yesterday.
Meh anyhow just find it funny how much hate Arsenal get in the media.