What a silly scenario, but I hope you felt good typing that out."sorry sir, we won't be able to stop and question anybody because in the heat of the moment of getting stabbed you could not paint a perfect verbal representation of the suspect. Did you still want that ambulance?"
lol, harm.
I get that.Maybe. It's a difficult balancing act. S&S is a very useful method to deal with hard-line criminals, but has collateral damage. When it works, it's the returns are big, but I don't deny that especially when it's used improperly, it does have negative effects that ultimately reduce confidence in police. From my own anecdotal evidence, it seems that the threshold for a search seems to be lower in metropolitan areas such as London than where I am. Although, the crime that S&S is designed to help combat is more prevalent in London than where I am. There are no easy answers here.
Thanks for at least acknowledging there are issues of risk:reward to consider here. Some people aren't used to nuance and compromise in their thinking.
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