US: Westworld

wish I didn't know this show existed for a few years so I could binge on several seasons, assuming there will be more after the second :)

really enjoyed 7th episode

Just binge watched from S1 right up to S2 Ep 4 - really, really good and an amazing achievement that i was able to put it off this long!

I wouldn't be surprised if Hopkins is a robot created by Arnold.

Oh! You were soooo close!



Yul Brynner!!! Love Easter eggs like this.

Maeve: really good story line, but the 2 'butchers' were comical - the writers could have come up with something better than threats from her to enhance her abilities etc. "yeah whatevs Thandie, go to sleep" - then memory wipe or decommission.

"What door?" and "it doesn't look like anything to me" - proper jaw drop moments!!! Excellent.

Also, i never saw William/MiB coming until the actual reveal - great twist and jaw drop moment.

I would have liked to have Bernard or someone check Fords head after been shot - just to confirm host or real, but i guess this will be a reveal later.


Saw the Samurai training labs and then the Safari world, so different zones; maybe a Futureworld?

All in all, a great show with great effects - i hope there is a pay off for audiences and MiB does indeed fin the centre of the maze.
My only issue with this season is the amount of separate story lines (all are interesting) but there's no way they can fit in a decent conclusion into a total of 10 episodes without either rushing things or dragging it out over another few years.
Maeve's story for me continues to be the weakest storyline of Westworld. They show me samurai, shoguns and Musashi and yet Maeve is just so meh I just continuously can not force myself to give two forks about her character, no matter how many French mime faces she pulls per episode.
Is Maeve turning into Ford he was the only other person I recall being able to stop hosts without saying anything?

Shogun world was worth the wait, glad we got another genre infused take on a classic song.
I believe she's tapped in to the ability to control the hosts via the mesh network that connects them all.
My only issue with this season is the amount of separate story lines (all are interesting) but there's no way they can fit in a decent conclusion into a total of 10 episodes without either rushing things or dragging it out over another few years.

Agreed, there's almost a bit too much going on really. Is there really any need for all the different timelines?
Saw Lili Simmons and was expecting much nudity from one of the hottest women on the planet who doesn't shy away from getting her bits out. Don't think she said a single word. :(
She did but stuck in her old loop which the original Clementine was miming and it was so sad :(

They've done a GOT this year, don't think we've had any nudity so far, even the sex scene felt more like Mass Effect 1 than a HBO show.
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