wish I didn't know this show existed for a few years so I could binge on several seasons, assuming there will be more after the second
really enjoyed 7th episode
Just binge watched from S1 right up to S2 Ep 4 - really, really good and an amazing achievement that i was able to put it off this long!
I wouldn't be surprised if Hopkins is a robot created by Arnold.
Oh! You were soooo close!
Yul Brynner!!! Love Easter eggs like this.
Maeve: really good story line, but the 2 'butchers' were comical - the writers could have come up with something better than threats from her to enhance her abilities etc. "yeah whatevs Thandie, go to sleep" - then memory wipe or decommission.
"What door?" and "it doesn't look like anything to me" - proper jaw drop moments!!! Excellent.
Also, i never saw William/MiB coming until the actual reveal - great twist and jaw drop moment.
I would have liked to have Bernard or someone check Fords head after been shot - just to confirm host or real, but i guess this will be a reveal later.
Saw the Samurai training labs and then the Safari world, so different zones; maybe a Futureworld?
All in all, a great show with great effects - i hope there is a pay off for audiences and MiB does indeed fin the centre of the maze.