US: Westworld

I actually really enjoy the backstory and character development episodes. I thought last weeks' episode was brilliant. This weeks felt rather like a filler and Delores's character is now becoming slightly annoying. Then again, I do enjoy the sardonic Sizemore.
It seems to have slowed down quite a lot, the backstories are interesting but I just wish they would move forward with the main story a lot faster.

You can have a fast moving griping storylinr with backstory, they don't have to just focus on backstory.
Last week's episode was brilliant.

This week's was pants. I hate the meave storyline. Its boring and drawn out. Why did she wait until that japanese girl was killed before turning them all on each other? I thought they wanted to escape so why didnt she do that in the first place? The whole episode seemed like filler.

Delores as Wyatt is boring now as well.

Something needs to happen with their storylines other than ambling around the parks killing people.
Gap filler episode, don't mind them so much but with the few episodes they got its not always needed imo still it does help build the character and future plot lines well.
Video was quite interesting, although i did get most of it. The jump out moment for me was the cinematic black bars - very clever and completely missed that.
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