What's the word on the ground? Still a good watch. I will start S3 soon, is it less confusing that 2?
I liked S2 moreIt collapsed after an excellent 1st season.
What if it's the host version of William ? Like James Delos was a host, they made a host version of William and now Delores has control of him Episode 3 has Hale questioning "Who am I?" and then at the end where she goes psycho predator saying she remembers who she is, follow with Teaser for Ep 4 William "I know who I am"
After watching episode 4:
It's clone Dolores!
Have to agree. Plus it's just too convoluted rather than clever with the plot. Every episode has it's own "Episode X, explained" just so folk can keep up. Still enjoy it, but it's hard work.Still doesn't feel like Westworld to me. Just a generic sci-fi, it's watchable but no where near as enjoyable as the first season.
Still doesn't feel like Westworld to me. Just a generic sci-fi, it's watchable but no where near as enjoyable as the first season.
It's getting similar to last year where after every episode you need to go in search of an explanation video. Once that starts happening time and time again they've gone too far in trying to be clever, and it starts to become less enjoyable.
That might be the first episode of this programme I genuinely disliked. It’s utterly joyless, there is no one to root for.
The casual murder lacks any impact, the plot is very cold sci-fi lacking the wit and charm that earlier seasons added. Yes a lot of death occurred in earlier seasons but much of it was knowingly “play” because it was non-sentient hosts.
The only “human” characters are bland or unlikable. The hosts lack anything that makes you empathise both sides of the plot make it seem like you’re a witness to your own death sentence. This week they seemed like they were trying to be profound without having put any of the backstory work to allow it impact and be profound.
The Caleb drug bit was a great idea but poorly executed partly because there is no room for happiness in the plot. It needed a better director to really pull it off.
I’m going to see this through and I’m hoping for a turnaround a twist or something that makes me feel foolish for doubting them. But at the moment it’s leaving me cold.