1. Are we really expected to believe that this data release would cause worldwide mass and panic? Serac and governments aren't claiming it's an elaborate hoax by terrorists trying to cause instability? People just accept it as gospel?
2. A trained doctor in an institution... her husband immediately breaks all contact and takes the kid and she immediately commits suicide? Give me a god damn break.
3. Taxis have no privacy and are basically one big glass exhibition window with no ability to darken the glass? Utterly ridiculous.
3. What the hell was the point of Maeve just randomly going outside to fight simulated Nazis? She all of a sudden has a strong desire to practise mass murder on simulated men who are nothing like Deloros and are no challenge? All she needed to do was test her mind control, she knows they are anyway just doing what they are programmed to do and are no threat to her skills
4. The William guilt and hallucination scenes are just absolutely awful and dragged out. Why do we give a **** about his guilt? He is not a character we identify with or root for so don't shoehorn in all of these silly scenes showing him self-agonizing. Keep him as the cold and heartless ******* we know and like watching, otherwise that's another character less to enjoy.
5. Dolores and Serac keep talking about this "host among us" situation as though everyone around them knows about it. There is no sign that the board knew anything about it and they are just calmly standing there as though they have known all along. It is terrible portrayed. In fact, Serac in general is just turning into a caricature and I had such high hope for him with the great way he was introduced to the show.
6. If this Augmented Reality technology is so real and lifelike then why the frick is going to the effort to make and maintain West World even needed? People can do whatever they want, whenever they want, inside AR. Surely Serac's machine, or even any Psychology graduate fresh from university, could predict that the more people carry out atrocities in real-life against things that look and feel human the more it would corrupt them and turn they psychotic?