US: Westworld

I would love to know who actually decides what plots the writers come up with are worth investigating and if any of these terrible writers that seem to plague western film making have some kind of dirt on the people who keep employing them.

the avg age and experience of a UK/american writer for tv series must be really low I'm guessing

reminds me of interviews with people like roy keane and they say they look around modern dressing rooms and everyone is on their phones, he doesn't get the banter of the generation of people below him and they don't get the banter of the new comers just entering the world of football at big teams.

people are becoming less smart and intelligent even if education stats claim otherwise.

also film and tv screenings they must have the worst possible people giving feedback.

the amount of footballers that retire saying they don't get the new players or eve the younger guys who have been around for awhile, they have nothing in common with them, they aren't people they would go for a coffee with and have a conversation.

seems everywhere is being infested by crap quality and crap standards.

just ban mobile phones from doing anything but receiving a phone call before it too late and we don't have a high enough avg IQ to breathe and think at the same time

if there world was anything like ours then no wonder
a super computer was deemed necessary to run peoples lives, we are almost at the point of needing one
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Final episode was OK but didn't make up for a lacklustre season so lets down the anticipation that they try to build at the end for next season. A few interesting sub-plot items like the answer to Ford's question but so obscure and largely left floating it doesn't really add anything.
I've just realised this was season finale, I honestly thought this season was 10 episodes long.

What a bag of absolute soggy excrement. I followed season 1 on every turn, twist and every level with you guys, we speculated, we discussed. But this... this... whatever the fork this was... nothing makes sense. Not a single character resembles their previous selves. Not a single thing matches with previous seasons. It's as if this season was written by a bunch of kids that had no idea of what Westworld was about and caught up with general idea by watching 10 minute season 1 & 2 synopsis video on youtube. Can you guys believe that this is the same show that featured Anthony Hopkins' Dr. Redford puzzle boxes and Bernard's scene with the door? My mind is blown how quickly they destroyed the story itself, the way the story was told and the whole vibe of the world we were pulled into.

Westworld has been renewed for season 4. To be honest - this is another Lost/GoT moment for me - I'm so heart broken from watching it car crash into sci-fi channel B movie that I can't even imagine another season of tedious, boring droning about Jessie Pinkman's reluctant revolution. Oh, and Maeve. Not another minute of Maeve. Can we just presume that one of Dolores clones printed her a daughter and never return to her character again.
Too much Bernanold family crap in the finale.

William post credit scene was shocking but its only just felt like he’s got a handle on his purpose, so that felt a bit of a cheap move to me.

I think season 3 as a whole tried too hard to swerve and twist and forgot what it wanted to achieve.
Underwhelmed. More casual cold murder, last episodes only moment of significance reversed in first minute of this episode. More scrambling to be profound without earning the right.

The last show to move me was Catch 22 the guy playing Yossarian really captured the hopeless insanity of war and giving in to your role so well. But they took 10 episodes of building and stage setting they stepped us through his emotional journey. Westworld wants its moment without paying for it. And they ruined the man in black twice in one season.

Strewth, its well made, beautiful to look at and empty.
Wow so we follow William on his confusing journey for what exactly.
you could say the same about pretty much anyone in the show.

I stopped caring about any of the characters a long time ago, they all seem pointless compared to how season 1 was.
the avg age and experience of a UK/american writer for tv series must be really low I'm guessing

reminds me of interviews with people like roy keane and they say they look around modern dressing rooms and everyone is on their phones, he doesn't get the banter of the generation of people below him and they don't get the banter of the new comers just entering the world of football at big teams.

people are becoming less smart and intelligent even if education stats claim otherwise.

also film and tv screenings they must have the worst possible people giving feedback.

the amount of footballers that retire saying they don't get the new players or eve the younger guys who have been around for awhile, they have nothing in common with them, they aren't people they would go for a coffee with and have a conversation.

seems everywhere is being infested by crap quality and crap standards.

just ban mobile phones from doing anything but receiving a phone call before it too late and we don't have a high enough avg IQ to breathe and think at the same time

Wow! Erm, lol? You should probably see someone :) (**EDIT** But check they're over 40 first!)
Why didn’t Maeve use her Uber 1337 hax0r0z skills when she fought Delores?

She gained them back in the 2nd War World episode for ... nothing :confused:
Very weird season, watched it all, understood little, not sure how much I enjoyed it and how much I watched it as I couldn't stop and cant say why!
Why didn’t Maeve use her Uber 1337 hax0r0z skills when she fought Delores?

She gained them back in the 2nd War World episode for ... nothing :confused:
Wasn't she only in the virtual world then though? because she was still being 3d printed or something.......:confused:
Wasn't she only in the virtual world then though? because she was still being 3d printed or something.......:confused:
Yes but hasn’t she shown control over real world technology too? The guys with the guns at Incite etc.

She even threatened to “break in” to Delores’ mind so clearly she had the power but chose to fight hand to hand because plot armour.
I could have sworn that there was a line where she said something like Delores is the only one that Maeves skills/powers don't work on, unless I am imaging it. Maybe its has something to do with the fact that she is the first model that worked correctly and the rest of them, inc Maeve, were cloned from her hardware/software?
As others have said style over substance. Would have preferred it if they hadn't left the parks, instead just kept introducing new interesting characters. Maybe even a reboot into a new park with new characters following a similar awakening type journey, but it has instead tried to get to clever and delivered an underwhelming result.
I could have sworn that there was a line where she said something like Delores is the only one that Maeves skills/powers don't work on, unless I am imaging it. Maybe its has something to do with the fact that she is the first model that worked correctly and the rest of them, inc Maeve, were cloned from her hardware/software?

There seems to be two aspects to it from what I can pick up - the later revelation that Delores is the original seems to make her a bit wary as if she isn't sure how her capabilities might measure up against a somewhat unknown level of capability with Delores (it might leave her open to being exploited in reverse, etc.) but there also seems to be some play on the aspect that she feels that forcing her way into Delores's system would make her as bad as Delores (even though she doesn't seem to overly care about that aspect in general).

She gained them back in the 2nd War World episode for ... nothing

I think that is largely related to her taking control over Serac's inhibition device near the end but doesn't seem to have been very well developed.

I think season 3 as a whole tried too hard to swerve and twist and forgot what it wanted to achieve.

They seem to have made up a list of things they wanted to pivot around in the season but never developed any of them fully - there is some toying with Ford's question about the hero or the villain (and slightly amusing that Delores essentially plays both and neither) but it is only odd threads here and there that go nowhere, there is a vague development of the concept of a plan not surviving contact with the "enemy" and how that changes the hosts on a fundamental level - but again doesn't really go anywhere, they've tried to play with the metaphysical concept of what the park/Westworld actually is but again it is just dropped in here and there without really doing anything with the idea.
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