Wet pc's and insurance companies..

And the update so far................... :rolleyes:

"Someone will call you today with an update"

But as i said to them, ive been told that for 4 days now.... :mad:

And i dont exist on the source database anymore...???????????????
PC Arrived yesterday!!

Heres the run down...

The Lian Li pc case they said i couldnt have as non are coming out of japan so i will have to have a stacker.... Opens the box and its a black Lian Li!!

On the cpu front, i aksed about duo core 3.0 as i couldnt find it lised...and i was right.. its 3.4ghz

I told them no-need for windows xp but got it anyway...

And a free keyboard and mouse!!

Al the rest iof the spec was as the list.. ds3 mobo ocz ram 1950 gfx raptor hd etc etc

Not bad... the wait was horriffic though... :rolleyes:

And today... is my birthday, nice on time prezzie :D
I've been following this thread...........good to see it all worked out in the end and kudos for sticking to your guns and not allowing them to fob you off with some ****

Enjoy :)

oh and happy birthday :cool:
Likewise I've been following this thread. nice present for you Happy birthday - Good things come to those who wait (very very patiently mind :p)

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