Poll: What AM4 motherboard will you be getting?

What manufacturer AM4 will you be buying?

  • Asus

    Votes: 93 33.0%
  • Asrock

    Votes: 66 23.4%
  • Gigabyte

    Votes: 81 28.7%
  • MSI

    Votes: 37 13.1%
  • other.

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters

just reading tha Aorus 7 would handle 400A..haha, 100A for SOC def overkill

I crossed it off my list after reading this part,

Sadly though, as ever Gigabyte have been let down by their BIOS team and this is really down to their load line calibration issues again. We must have reported this at launch for the last 10 releases and if we are honest we are bored of keep having to go on about it. It took their R&D guys 5 days to even bother to replicate it after our initial report and request for them to try and get it sorted. We do this to try and help them make sure YOU guys get the best possible product when you buy it but yet again they are happy to let you guys buy something that hardware wise awesome, yet firmware wise substandard. Because of this attitude they do not get an award and till that BIOS gets fixed we would say in all honesty dont buy it. When it is rectified we will retest and report back but it has taken them months to fix issues in the past so if you have to make a decision now and your finger needs to click 'buy' we would advise pick something else. They should have had a better BIOS covering the basics at launch. Rant over.

I'm leaning towards the Asus models now.
I am in two minds if I should go for the Hero or the Strix, Do not really need the additional ports on the Hero but it has better sound right? With the extra savings I could go for 3600 memory, although is 3200 good enough?
At the moment I am looking at 2700X + Asus Hero + 3200 Memory, have it added on basket in a few places but keep telling myself wait a bit longer till the motherboards are sold by the rainforest as they normally have lowest prices.

Does ASUS deal with any warranty issues directly or do you have to go through retailer? I saw in one place they have good price on ASUS CH7 and you get a free coolermaster AIO with it which makes the purchase including the higher delivery very worth it. But seems like the items come from another country and I rather deal with UK shops if there are any warranty issues.
is a shame, haven't seen it to bad on other reviews . Personally prefer the strix over the hero .
Strix is a nice looking board, I still prefer the Hero due to the extra features which is one of the main things for me.

Side Note: My old Asus Z68 V-GEN3 board is still going strong with my OC [email protected], so I'm due for an upgrade, not bad for a board that is almost seven years old.
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Any idea when the X470 Taichi will be in stock?

There not even listed on overclockers yet so i would not hold my breath and if i remember correctly i am sure GIBBO said something like Asrock don't really push much stock to the uk and he has been trying to get them to change this :)
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@Darren_uk please can you tell me if the deal you got on the Prime Pro X470 was from OCUK? If not then please don't mention where as it's against the rules, just need to find something out.

Thanks :)
Yep, I got the ASUS Prime Pro X470 from OCUK when they first Placed it to buy
Order date: 19 Apr 2018 16:42:00 £129.99,
I guess the price went up when OCUK found the proper Retail price from ASUS being a new line of motherboards
Over the moon with it, zero Trouble solid board, OC my 1700 to 3800 1.371volts on all cores, turned off core performance boost
CINEBENCH R15.038_RC18 score 1641 :)
My 1700 Can do 3900mhz but I like it at 3800 for less stress more life & less heat
& still OVER KILL for my needs
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Yep, I got the ASUS Prime Pro X470 from OCUK when they first Placed it for sale £129.99, Over the moon with it, zero Trouble solid board, OC my 1700 to 3800 1.371volts on all cores, turned off core performance boost
CINEBENCH R15.038_RC18 score 1641 :)
Excellent, thanks :)

Can you tell me the date you placed the order please?
Heres what I did for my 1700 OC in bios
VTTDDR Voltage to 692 Volts
Dram voltage 1.365

I found leaving them to default would give the windows 10 Blue screen
"Memory management Error" after a playing a game for a while..so a must change them to a higher value

CPU 1.375Volts

Also must update bios
Version 401120 18/05/02

Update AGESA + SMU 43.18 :)




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I went with the asus crosshair vii hero.
Ram seems to be working ok at 3334mhz, might try higher speeds once I work out/get help for the uefi bios, and the onboard sound is pretty good.
finally received aorus boards- one for myself and one for a friends Davinci Resolve Workstation :D


got 8 packs 4000hz kit on deal for the friends build, seen others running it at 3200hz cl16 so will see if i can push it higher for him

getting KADAK ram sent for my own- wondering how that will go down
One thing i like about gigabyte motherboards is the F_PANEL it is so easy to know what to stick into the F_PANEL.

I had trouble trying to find where to put the power switch in a asus motherboard, so because of this i like gigabyte and yea i have the x470 aorus gaming 7 wifi.
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