What are people view on the game rage ?



2 Apr 2015
I was really interested in this when it came out was buggy and had problems with multi gpu's and to play it how I wished I didn't have enough grunt on one card :( so gave up playing

I now have one titan X and hopping I can blast this out @ 120fps ?
I thought the fps was locked to 60, though maybe there's a way around that.

Overall, I quite enjoyed it. Some of the textures were good, while others were surprisingly poor. Unfortunately, where as normally I'll replay ID's older titles many times (Doom / Quake / Doom 3 and so on), this one is unlikely to make me want to play through it a third time.
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Story's ok, shooting mechanics and the way enemies react to your gunfire is tops, great weapons, gameplay and some of my favourite music of any game I've played. Driving sections are passable, graphics are amazing at a distance but lots of really bad texture pop up when turning fast, textures look bad up close although are really varied. Endings terrible, I mean really bad. All in all though a really great game.
Have you tried it on your gsync set up ?

No, but the whole point of g-sync is to solve these problems by perfectly syncing your g-sync card with your monitor thus making it impossible for problems like tearing to exist.

I am looking to get this game as played a bit on the PS3 and thought it was pretty darn good then a triple A title came out and this was forgotten. It's really a top game, I just cannot find it cheap anywhere.
They really need to do the game over again - the execution is quite flawed in terms of gameplay flow (i.e. you get some decent weapons/equipment near the end of a section which are a lot of fun but there is hardly anything left to do with them in that section and they are often irrelevant to the next one) - used to think it was just bad design but come to realise lately that its probably due to side content getting cut or not even getting off the ground - i.e. there are loads of doors that do nothing, parts of levels that look like they were intended to lead somewhere but don't, etc. that kind of hints at that.

With a better implementation of the megatexture stuff (and no 60fps cap please) and the side content plus the pretty much missing last half of the game implemented it would have been really good.
shame about that, was funding cut through its development? would kinda explain to what you said. was there no dc for this game ?
I remember that development took them longer (7 years) than compared to previous ID titles, and around three quarters of the way through the cycle they were acquired by Zenimax.
shame about that, was funding cut through its development? would kinda explain to what you said. was there no dc for this game ?

There was some DLC - some of it added a fair bit of stuff to the earlier bit of the game but it was a bit quirky to access without starting a new game all over again.
I remember that development took them longer (7 years) than compared to previous ID titles, and around three quarters of the way through the cycle they were acquired by Zenimax.

oh so rushed out the door to get the penny's in on the project. I bet John carmack wasn't happy!
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