oh so rushed out the door to get the penny's in on the project. I bet John carmack wasn't happy!
Can't you just download a hi red texture pack for it like fallout ?
IIRC he was a bit burned out on PC FPS development by that point and was spending a lot of time on other challenges i.e. VR.
Not a game it is easy to re-texture, you can't just replace a single texture file like other engines - in theory no surface is exactly the same as any other.
Stutter ? Tearing ? I have none of this. Using a 3770k with a 980Ti G1 Gaming with games on one hard drive, OS on another.
'Rage' should really be in caps - I was expecting a thread about rage quitting or people getting angry on Teamspeak or something
Rage, on the other hand, is still sitting in my Steam library waiting for a playI probably won't get round to it
I actually have this for my PS3, so tried to run it tonight, but now stuck at 90 or 91% installation. Damn thing. Tempted to buy it for the PC, but I know I have mad max ready to go on the 1st lol.
How did you do that columbo ? I also find the FOV a bit narrow.