What are people view on the game rage ?

There was some DLC - some of it added a fair bit of stuff to the earlier bit of the game but it was a bit quirky to access without starting a new game all over again.

what's the dlc called and wojld you recommend it quite fancy playing this through trying to line up some games for when I get my new screen.
oh so rushed out the door to get the penny's in on the project. I bet John carmack wasn't happy!

After Doom 3 came out (August 2004), they started working on a project which was eventually shelved. Then they began working on what would become Rage.
A lot of poor quality textures in game and thanks to 'streaming', the texture pop in was a big failure. The gameplay itself was quite good and the gunplay was what you would expect from id. I never did complete the game but the time I played was quite enjoyable.
Stutter ? Tearing ? I have none of this. Using a 3770k with a 980Ti G1 Gaming with games on one hard drive, OS on another.
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