What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?


Seem to spend more time reading about games on these forums then playing these days, sadly don't get the same enjoyment out of actually playing that i used to. Will play a game once then not go back to it. MGS V, Witcher 3, GTA V, all played once before lost interest

I've parked elite until horizons is out, hoping that can re-kindle a bit of enthusiasm
I'm similar there... Quite happy reading about games, or watching other play them online, but when it comes to actually doing it yourself... I lose interest quickly.


Destiny (PS4)
Driveclub (PS4)
Rocket League (PS4/PC)

I have a load of things I'd like to play, but just never sure if it's worth the investment of time...
Space Engineers has looked like something that could be pretty interesting.
Slightly older than 30.....

Iracing is taking up loads of time, then the occasional blast at Mad Max or Dying light, just to keep the fingers working..
30 here.

I raid on WoW 3 nights a week and at the moment I fill the gaps with Mad Max, i'm about 20 hours in on that one.
A little d3 when I can be bothered

Trying to find another fps to grab my interest atm, unfortunately the population on shootmania is very low, so cant often find a decent game.

Been playing TV/Computer games most of my life from early memories of an Ingersoll console to PC gaming now.


Witcher 3
Path of Exile
SubLevel Zero
Dungeons of Dremor

Obviously anticipating Fallout 4 as I've had the pleasure of playing them all at release!
Over 30 ;)

I tend to play single player stuff and an mmorrrrppggg for multiplayer shennanigans. Currently EQ2 is the poison of choice these past 3 months.

Recent - Wolfenstein, COD:Ghosts single player, Batman Arkham Knight, Bloodborne on PS4
Playing - Everquest 2 (on and off, group stuff only), Far Cry 4, Mad Max

Plus playing games through with the kids, Ultra SF2, Lego Marvel, Mario on WiiU
I'm probably playing roughly the same stuff I did 10-15 years ago :) (I'm erm, 30's).

Not as much as I'd like but currently playing a couple of JRPG type games, Prison Architect intermittently (my current prison has/will have the Daily Mail wing and the Guardian Wing - the DM wing has every cell as above average, the Guardian Wing has minimum spec cells).
I had a blast with Crazy Machines last weekend, and I'm probably going to try and play some Warhammer Vermintide if I can ever get Steam to let me buy it.
40+ gamers more like :D

Currently playing FarCry 4.. hopefully get this finished before Fallout 4 launch.. I'm quite particular with these games, i like to complete all the quests.
Rocket League

I prefer to play games that I can drop after 5 mins and not care about progressing

Same here, at the moment I can rarely guarantee being able to play for any length of time so games that can be stopped or paused at the drop of a hat are a must.

It's one of my real bug bears with modern games, so many require you to be willing/able to spend 15-30+ minutes at a go to do a quest before you can save. I loved Dead Island, and Bioshock etc but literally cannot play them as I can't make any progress before I have to stop.
42, currently playing Soma. I love horror games, recently completed The Evil Within and Alien Isolation. My 1 year old makes it VERY difficult to get game time in though :)
42, currently playing Soma. I love horror games, recently completed The Evil Within and Alien Isolation. My 1 year old makes it VERY difficult to get game time in though :)

Damn that reminds me I have SOMA to try to fit in before THE game launch day of the year!

Alien Isolation for some reason I didn't get on with it and didn't play it for long. One to go back to I reckon.
Playing (in order of hrs per week)
- Witcher 3
- Hearthstone
- The Long Dark
- Killing Floor 2
- very occasional HoTS

My gaming style has definitely changed as i've got older, especially recently. Personally I blame my early WOW days & recently hearthstone for destroying any patience I have for lengthy games (no matter how good they are). Witcher 3 being the exception, what a fantastic game that is. Only really competitive game I can handle now is KF2 in short bursts (which is co-op anyway), much prefer single player stuff I can relax with my pipe and slippers to hand.
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