What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

I've been playing D4, initially I was finding it hard to get in to S2 but I have since found a build that works with my Druid and having quite a lot of fun levelling up and pushing higher levels.

Also trying to fit in some CP2077 with the new DLC Phantom Liberty.
Currently playing a little bit of minecraft... yes... that game. I got a son of 8 who is so into it. He's like a walking wikipedia regarding that game. Other than that it only ever gets to a rare session once in a while of CyberPunk 2077 DLC or something like Heathstone. I really don't game much anymore. Frankly my 6950XT is being wasted at the moment :D
Been absolutely addicted to path of exile, even manage a few sneaky maps before work in the morning when the mrs is snoring away and cant moan about my "obsession"
44+ Wotlk, Cemu BOTW (just completed it for the first time), starting ng+ Sekiro, next on the list is Elden Ring
I finished Alan Wake 2. Despite some niggles, it is impressive piece of work.

I tried playing The Ascent: Cyber Heist. But eventhough I really enjoyed the main game, I found it difficult coming back to the DLC after such long time. Graphics is still amazing but I did not enjoy it anymore - the lack of connection to my previous playthrough hurt it, since I had to use someone else's save to be able to access the DLC. I played the original via gamepass and saves are not compatible with steam version, where I have the DLC..

Now on my plate there are The Quarry, Robocop Rogue City and Cyberpunk 2077 with Phantom Liberty.
These will easily cover me until end of the year I think..
Let me share something...

Article about the rise of shareware, those were the days.
All I can remember about Shareware was being at the tech show at Earl's Court and been given a copy of DOOM. Had no idea what that was about.

Bought Turrican at the show.

DOOM transpired to be a "hell" of a game.

edit* had to put the disks (3.5") through the old mans 486 machine. Then could not stop playing the game!
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I installed Might and Magic The World of Enroth mod on Saturday. It's Might and Magic VIII with a mod that adds VI and VII into it, with ability to travel between all game worlds as the same party.
Mod adds widescreen support and the game looks tolerable, once you get it off software rendering.
I played a good amount yesterday, and did about 10 hours today. Felt like a kid again. :D
Having just finished the 2019 MW campaign on Realism, I'm back to Sekiro which I'm almost finished with and can't wait to do my NG+ run. Also Elden Ring, I need to do 2 speed runs to get madness and normal end game achievements then I've got all of them. Additionally I'm playing ME2 on Insanity, finished the first and about half way through the second. Will finish the 3rd on Insanity as well to mark off all 3.

For my random games to break pace, I have Ace Combat 7 I'm still working through, Armored Core 6 which I'm 2 missions away from finishing my first play through, BG3 I'm diving into when I have a few hours free here and there.

Online games are Overwatch 2 (simple fun), CS2 and LoL with some friends (I'm not a league of legends player, too chaotic for me).

Needless to say I'm a bit busy with games, but I'm loving playing old stuff on the hardest difficulties, beats 99% of the new **** that comes out.
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I finished Wartales the other day (fiendishly addictive little game, imho), and reinstalled Cyberpunk ready to play the DLC. Still at the stage of trying to remember what my build was now everything has resest and working out how my gear might fit a new build/playstyle.
36 here, Planetside 2, it's the closest thing I can find to bf 1942/bf2.
Man I loved Planetside 2 back in the day, was hoping they’d make a third!

From my side: Overwatch 2 with friends but still need to finish GTA V and RDR2! (Heck I still need to finish RDR1!)
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Sniper Elite 5 now. Only just got it, barely touched the campaign (maybe 5 mins?), yet spent all my time invading other games... It's so satisfying
I started playing Baldurs Geek 3.
I still need to finish a bunch of games too like cyberpunk/phantom liberty I got past the casino and never had time to pick it back up
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