What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

45, soon to be 46

FIFA 16, Dying Light, Skyrim, Grid Autosport, Asseto Corsa & Euro Truck 2 are the main ones taking up my time.
Want to have another go at Elite, but just can't be bothered at the moment.

Last game I finished was Shadow of Mordor which I really enjoyed. Put around 90 hours into it.

Not into multiplayer gaming.
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Bit of Diablo 3 when at home else Boom Beach or Wordfeud on my phone. Sort of long for the days of being able to play UO for entire weekends but at the same time I don't. Gaming has changed a lot since in was a nipper!
Well, 48 here and to quote another recent thread I'm having a bit of a struggle finding a game that grabs me (and have been like that for a few months).

My mainstays at the moment are:

- Elite Dangerous - love it, but drifting at the moment
- Guild Wars 2 - I loved GW1, have lots of GW2 chars at lvl 80, pre-ordered the recent expansion but have drifted out of it.
- Half Life 2 - have been playing it quite a bit recently
- Far Cry 3 - keep meaning to get back into it, but never quite get there...

It's not a specific game that's exciting me at the moment, but the proposed VR hardware (the Vive especially). I'm really looking forward to exploring virtual reality and I think the anticipation is colouring my experience of current games.

I need a game to tide me over - 'Mad Max' looks OK. Though a previous post mentioned a reboot of 'Hidden and Dangerous' which would be superb!!

Edit - though I've got Shadow of Mordor which might be good...

Edit 2 - though can't get it to work over 3 screens which is annoying!
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To all those looking for something to devour their free time I know what you mean - give Dying Light or Mad Max a go - they kept me playing far too long to be considered responsible.
45 and a half :p playing

Path of Exile (awesome free arpg pc game) coming up to the last week the month crazy mods league. will be asking santa for more stash tabs i think, game is amazing.

and still...Forza 4 on 360, will play until the 360 bricks.

waiting for xbox two.
Im still playing cobra on the atari woody lol

Seriously though these
Dirt Rally
Metal Gear Phantom Pain

Got loads installed on the rig. I just play whatever takes my fancy. I can no longer spend marathon sessions playing a single game. I'm 35 but our generation will be gamers for life i should think
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I hate the fact that this thread is applicable to me in only 16 months :(

oi, your 30s are your prime young man. At these ages you can hump any wench from early 20something to late 40somethings providing they're not kronenbird 1664's or butterfaces ;)

For those that haven't a clue what i mean.....

Kronenbird: looks 16 from behind but 64 from the front.
Butterface: She's fit but her face :p
oi, your 30s are your prime young man. At these ages you can hump any wench from early 20something to late 40somethings providing they're not kronenbird 1664's or butterfaces ;)

For those that haven't a clue what i mean.....

Kronenbird: looks 16 from behind but 64 from the front.
Butterface: She's fit but her face :p

or... body like Baywatch with a face like crime watch...

oh and I play warthunder and world of warships mainly..
Tribes Ascend + Tribes Ascend PTS
Witcher 3
CoD Ghosts SP

I have a load of games I need to play but I am not getting the time these days :(

But I think I saw what I really really want the other day. Someone playing a space type game on a SimPit Technologies system.

Me want! :eek:
Im 39 and play BF4, Fifa 16 and just completed Dying Light which surprised me a lot and is one of the best games ive ever completed.

Online fps annoys me in the realms of cheats, just dont understand what they get from it, i am looking at battlefront but with cheats already rife im not sure what it will be like.
Just started putting time into Witcher 3. And wow I'm impressed. Glad I finally put some time aside and concentrated. Not been grabbed by a game this much in ages. Think Skyrim was the last!

33 by the way.
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