What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

44 and currently playing through the Walking Dead telltale games for a second time. Also dipping in and out of Prison Architect and State of decay.

New games haven't really grabbed me lately although I'm hoping the new Assassins creed is good, waiting on at least half price deal before I try it though... fool me once etc.
30 in 6 weeks.... So almost there lol

Back playing Kerbal Space Program at the moment, as well as a bit of Prision Architect.
Had The Witcher going for a bit, but I've lost track with it so may start again. Similar with MGS-V.

Looking forward to FO4, if I can fit it in around work!

Edit: 10 weeks. Getting my months wrong...
32 here.

Been playing a lot of MGS V but it's just starting to get into that chore-to-play stage. I've still got stupid amounts of stuff unfinished and even more unplayed, still of the witcher series to tackle but I'll probably stick with MGS and other bits and pieces until Fallout 4.

And then never finish that.
38 nearly 39 next week

FIFA 16, a bit of Heroes of the Storm, SC2 still.

However ridiculous this sounds - just got back to playing CS:GO after years and years away from FPS. Enjoying it.
Finished Last Lighty off again, may start GTA V, but im leaning towards Bioshock at the minute 'Im Andrew Ryan...', as never done much of it the last time i played. :p

offline ( mostly solo rpg )

witcher 3
metal gear phantom pain
mad max


everquest 2
star wars galaxies pre and post curb ( those where the days rushing home after work to slice some weapons and make some mind poisons and go and attack the rebel scums with 100's of other people, then smedley killed it /sigh )
30 in 6 weeks.... So almost there lol

Back playing Kerbal Space Program at the moment, as well as a bit of Prision Architect.
Had The Witcher going for a bit, but I've lost track with it so may start again. Similar with MGS-V.

Looking forward to FO4, if I can fit it in around work!

Edit: 10 weeks. Getting my months wrong...

Get out of here :P

GTA V now that I finally bought xbox one controller. Enjoying sitting on the sofa and playing on projector about 90" screen :D
46 here.... 47 by the time GTA5 downloads (January).
despite trying to get some free time to play, my downloaded unplayed list is getting bigger and bigger... but hopefully, I'll get to try something soon, maybe Alien Isolation... tonight when the house is all mine :)

Playing soon..
Alien Isolation
Wolfenstein New Order
Bioshock Infinite
35 here, cs:go, natural selection 2, Star Trek birth of the federation (with dominion mod), the golf club, lotro
34 here.

I find myself mainly playing simulation or indie games now, occasionally dabbling in Borderlands 2 or TF2.

I've just bought 1001 Spikes, Hammerwatch and Why Am I Dead At Sea.
Playing Assassins Creed Rogue which is like a continuation of AC4 Black flag, didn't even notice when this first came out for PC but if you like AC Black flag then you will like this for sure.

Similar gameplay with improved sea battles & forts to capture but this time there are gang factions to take over by killing the leaders & cutting down the flag, female ninja assassins leap out from hidden corners to stab you in the back, gas bombs & grenades launchers are now available. Good fun if you are a AC fan
31 next week, hadn't really bothered with online until recently tbh.

I play ultra sf4, wont be buying 5. mostly play Hearthstone, bit of civ 5, xcom and just picked up l4d2 this evening, been playing with a friend and it's been great fun!

Will probably get ESO to play with the missus as she keep nagging me to play with her. I don;t know how I'm going to find the time though with Fallout 4, xcom2, deus ex and a few others; considering getting a ps4 for that new quantic dream game coming out, I forget what they call it. The android thingy.
Anything that doesn't take a massive amount of time commitment to play.

I'm not in Minecraft creative style stuff either.
50 in Jan. Playing quite a few at the moment, including casual / arcade games:

-Action Henk
-Pix The Cat
-Geometry Dash

Some Arcade racers:

-Gas guzzlers extreme
-Toybox Turbos (just completed that)

Some racing simulations:

-Assetto Corsa
-Raceroom Racing Experience
-Game Stock Car

... and a few others

-Mad Max
-Alien Isolation
-Sniper Elite III

Looking forwards to Fallout 4 and XCOM 2.
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