Are you enjoying Immortals Fenyx Rising? It’s been on my list for a while but never got round to playing itDota 2, The Finale, Immortals Fenyx Rising
I picked it up this Christmas, literally only started it last night and played it for 30 mins, so will let you know!Are you enjoying Immortals Fenyx Rising? It’s been on my list for a while but never got round to playing it
Now on AC Valhalla as it's on Game Pass. I was going to have a break from gaming, but I had some empty evenings and there it was.
It's kind of fun, and also kind of the same thing I've done in the previous two AC games all over again with a new skin. Already thinking I may not finish given how long it looks like the game is. Too much, Ubi, too damn much.
Disappointed to hear that after doing 100% on origins and all of the dlc, I had a break from them, started Odyssey at the weekend and can't believe how long it's.meant to be now I'm a 5-6 hours in.
Disappointed to hear that after doing 100% on origins and all of the dlc, I had a break from them, started Odyssey at the weekend and can't believe how long it's.meant to be now I'm a 5-6 hours in.
What are your thoughts on 'Satisfactory'? ...... I'm debating giving it a bash as it's on sale right now.Satisfactory and Baldur's Gate 3. Both big time sinks!
I picked it up in the sale and have played it for 10-15 hours. I feel like I've not even scratched the surface, it has the scope to be huge if you stick at it. Updates are also pretty frequent. If it's still on sale snaffle it up, its worth a go. Another one I've played for hours on end is Astroneer. A nothing game that's easy to jump in and out of to kill and hour and unwindWhat are your thoughts on 'Satisfactory'? ...... I'm debating giving it a bash as it's on sale right now.