What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Currently taking my time playing FF7 Rebirth. Not rushing it and just enjoying the story and side quests.

It does make FF7 Remake look like a tech demo.
Downloading the demo now: KVLT on Steam.

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I've just discovered Hardwar on Steam and I'm back in 1998 when the game came out. The graphics are obviously dated, but the gameplay puts many modern space games to shame. It runs fine on higher resolutions and works with my joystick, but you can configure both keyboard and mouse too. It only cost me £8 on Steam.
Fired up Resident Evil 2 Remake the other night.

They really nailed a tense, oppressive atmosphere for RPD! Constant resource scarcity, limited carrying capacity, zombies coming through the damn windows and getting up when you thought they were dead! I've actually only played in 60-90 minutes bursts because of the tension!

I played Claire's story on the PS1 back in the late 90s but I don't remember it having this level of tension. Possibly because I'd played through the first not long before, but I have to say they did an amazing job with the remake, even if I'm not sure I can describe my experience as "fun"...
I'm back in to Destiny 2 as much as I hate to say it....played a lot of it a while back but then took a break.
They've just released a massive free update and honestly loving the game again and forgot how much I enjoy the gunplay so I'm back on the grind horse shooting things in the face with guns and magic....

I'm liking that I can just drop on for an hour or two at night, do some PvE events with rando's, wander around some cool world spaces and dip out again.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.

Just finished with DD2 having put 280 hours into it. I will go back to it when we get some DLC.
I've got every mainline Assassin's Creed game from 1 to Origins. I got all of them for free and never managed to get into any of them for more than 1hr.

I decided to install Origins the other day and I am now 30hrs in and really enjoying it.

Although I don't really care about the real world stuff in the game.
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World of Tanks, World of Warships, Forza Horizon 4, Snowrunner, Ace Combat 7, and a bit of MS Flight Simulator. I'm looking for a decent FPS that will keep me engaged for mre than just a few weeks...
I have always (ok, apart from FC2, obvs) enjoyed the Far Cry games.

Ok, hang on... FC6 is awful too. But... apart from those two, I've always... ok, nearly always enjoyed Far Cry games. Craft upgrades, take over bases, rinse, repeat. Scratches my make-the-numbers-get-bigger itch nicely. Recently I paid not a lot for Primal. And today I rode a mammoth into a hostile base, jumped off and hid while the mammoth killed everyone and took over the base for me. Cheers, Jumbo! I've not had so much fun not doing anything for a long time! :D I also like the way Primal has forced me to use a bow. I always plan to use a bow in the modern game, but I like a sniper rifle and very safe distance far too much!

Last game I played before that was Fallout 3, but if rumours about the modernised version are true, I wish I'd waited a bit longer before rebuying it (I had it on a disk at some point and got rid of it long ago).
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