What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Just started The Thaumaturge an isometric adventure with turn based combat with interesting themes.
Set during Napoleonic times in Poland during the Russian Empire occupation.

I also enabled the Polish dialogue options for added authenticity.
Luckily has subtitles too.

Can be played with mouse and keyboard or gamepad.

Only played an hour so far, but enjoying it
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42 and playing Delta Force Operations mode.

I do quite enjoy it. A more casual Tarkov experience where I can jump in for a round or two without sacrificing hours.
Recently just ran through a campaign on this. Played as the US so I could effectively stay in isolation and get involved when ready. Still understand about 2% of the way it works but getting there... :D
like most of the paradox games assume the layers of confusion fade once you get used to it , Even Crusader kings is baffling at first but if I can master(well play it ish) Stellaris certain I will be ok
Been playing a bit of Spiderman remastered - not bad at all for something to just play for half an hour or so. Up there with the Batman games.
like most of the paradox games assume the layers of confusion fade once you get used to it , Even Crusader kings is baffling at first but if I can master(well play it ish) Stellaris certain I will be ok
Yeah, it's exactly that. Learn the way and you'll be fine :)
I bought myself Miles Morales to play over New Year and now I am playing Daymare 1998 - not bad RE like game.
Strangely, I'm still playing 7 Days To Die. Steam tells me I've played it for ~2200 hours. There are enough overhaul mods to keep me interested and it's enough of a sandbox game to make it possible to implement whatever odd idea flitters through my head. Redirect a river. Lay a tarmac road, including a section through a tunnel I dug through a hill. Build a giant bright white pyramid with its own power station to power the ridiculous amount of lighting on it. Plus it has Rekt, the rudest merchant in any game and that entertains me. I'm still partway to convincing myself to buy a new CPU (and motherboard and memory) because of it. 7DTD is fully voxel with realtime structural integrity, so it's almost always CPU limited. I can drop as low as 55 fps in dense urban areas with my 5700X. A 9800X3D would do much better...

Other than that, I'm also still playing Revhead a bit. And CarX Street, which reminds me of Need For Speed Underground. Which is a very good thing. Although I'm wondering how the devs are getting away with copyright issues. The cars in the game are obviously real world cars with slightly changed names, e.g. the car in the game that is very obviously a Mazda MX-5 is called NX-5. Maybe the game isn't big enough to have been noticed. It's not big enough for the multiplayer aspect of the game to be of much use. It's theoretically like TDU in that respect, but not really as you're unlikely to find other players. But I wanted it as a single player game anyway.

I might get Medieval Blacksmith next. Or maybe look through my libraries, where I will inevitably find some games I bought and never played.
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