What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Started a Mass Effect Trilogy mega playthrough, but got bored with ME1 about halfway through. After my game save in the Noveria VI chamber started me falling through an endless void abandoned it and jumped to ME2. Sort of okay but it's kind of hard to find the replay enthusiasm as very linear. Think I'll just be dipping in now and again.

Back to trains in Derail Valley or TSW. Or buses in OMSI2.

I bought the ME Legendary Edition in one of the recent sales but gave up with ME1 after an hour or so, no idea how I put up with the mechanics and controls when I played it originally it feels so clunky and awkward. Shame because 1 and 2 are amongst my favourite games.
About a dozen hours into Dragon's Dogma 2.

I am both deeply disappointed and strangely hooked. The early game exploration is really good. You're forced to schlep around on foot in a world that feels dangerous and vast, and night drawing in is really tense. I yelped and ran from some of the deadly-looking nighttime horrors. The pawn system is great, as it was in Dark Arisen. The AI seems a bit better. The chatter just as repetitive.

I was such a hopeless devotee of Dark Arisen I was convinced I would love this, nevermind what reviews said. BUT - I really, really just wanted DD: Dark Arisen, but a bit better and with a more alive feeling world. What this seems to be is Dark Arisen, but slightly worse, with more populated settlements but an overall less interesting world.

The scaffolding for these games is so damn promising, it's such a shame they didn't seem to have a strong vision for what to do with it this time around. For all its flaws Dark Arisen was so good for its time. This one is decent, yes, and I like the dynamic world, the lack of handholding, the pawn system and all that, but there's so little meat on those bones :(
I bought the ME Legendary Edition in one of the recent sales but gave up with ME1 after an hour or so, no idea how I put up with the mechanics and controls when I played it originally it feels so clunky and awkward. Shame because 1 and 2 are amongst my favourite games.
I never played Mass effect, so last year i tried playing them, completed 1 which i enjoyed and started 2 but i couldn't get into it... i think i burnt myself out from the 1st one. I am guessing its something i should return too as i hear nothing but good things all the time
Been playing "Blood" definitely the hardest BuildFPS game I've played yet. Not sure why I never tried this back in the day as loving it so far apart from the difficulty spikes.
Playing Hitman, I never used to like stealthy games and avoided them for a long time but enjoying this
I used to think the same until Hitman 3 came out. Then I got it. It really is a sandbox game. I watched a youtuber play a level and I thought "I've never even been that way before". There was so much of the map I'd never looked at.
I played an odd choice yesterday. I saw it on a Youtube channel I sometimes watch and decided to buy it. It's only £2.50. Digseum. Extremely simple game with extremely simple graphics. Maybe 2 hours of playtime and no replay value. But I found it entertaining and it's only £2.50. That's not a sale price, it's the standard price.
I tried Kingdom come deliverance again but just like last time I got bored just after you end up at the mill which is pretty much at the start of the game. That's fine. I've accepted I just don't like it. It was 3 quid so whatever.

Other than that, still enjoying stellaris just got the machine age DLC and cosmic storms, I played a bit of Final Fantasy 7 remake and have started a new morrowind playthrough.
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Dune Awakening Closed Beta - I have to say that apart from the lag and full servers, it's a pretty damn good game.

I'm not sure how the PvP will play out as I haven't unlocked enough tech yet to be in a position to test everything, but the PVE, crafting and exploration side of the game is polished.
Replaying Kingdom Come Deliverance ready for KCD2. Can't wait :p
Actually gave KCD another go the other day after bouncing it off it initially due to being bad/not quite understanding what I needed to do and having to redo some of the opening bit, so hopefully I can get invested this time and enjoy it as on paper I think it should be my kind of game!
Just cant stop playing Path of Exile 2 at the moment, totally hooked me...will be giving the alpha of Space Engineers 2 a spin tonight so hopefully that will tear me away from PoE2 for a break :)
FFVII PC Version with lots of mods via 7th Heaven mod manager. Tried to set it up so it retains the feel of the original game ... just with slightly better graphics.
Out the loop for quite a few years, but any similar sci-fi themed games like Tacoma or S.O.M.A?

I heard they remade System Shock, and never played Dead Space games but anything more story orientated?
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