What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Currently slowly making my way through MGS V, will probably venture online for SW Battlefront if the final version is any good. And Fallout 4 is on the list of later this year if I've finished MGS by then :p
I bought Alien Isolation a few weeks back but I've played it for about 30 minutes.

You really need to get playing it, its great :)

Agreed. For a twist, get a mate on TS and play it through together. A mate and I did that and we spent more time scaring the bejesus out of each other than the Alien did lol. Highly recommend playing it that way, made a superb game even more memorable.
34 - don't get half the time I used to get to play games :( the odd night jump on BF4, will probably play a bit of SWBF when it is released.

Planning on trying to find some time for the coming Deus Ex and Dishonored games.
44 here, BFBC2 only at the moment, waiting for BFBC3 for my next game as Battlefront isnt my cup of tea
Are there many 30 year old plus PC gamers?
No, none at all. Gaming is for single little boys with no life and no job, who still live in their mom's basement... or so I'm told, anyway. :p
I'm the youngest in my gaming groups, with several of us well over 50.

What is the multiplayer experience of choice?
Elite: Dangerous
Mass Effect
World of Warships

Others when we feel like it, but those seem to be the main ones right now.
CS GO mainly at the moment.
Finished alien isolation a few weeks ago to.
Got boarder lands the presequel to play and evolve.
Also crashing through the Lego games with the Mrs when we're stuck for something to do :)

Waiting for the division to come out!
just turned 40....

csgo when I can be bothered to put up with the toxic pit that makes up the community
warthunder - though nowhere near as much as I used to (damned devs breaking a good game)
world of warships
Red Orchestra 2
Project Reality (very occasionally)
Titanfall - just got back to playing this great little game

then I have a few other non multiplayer I dip into occasionally
was playing metal gear 5 until I hit the late game grind with it and got a bit bored. Played the star wars beta now thinking of getting back into elite dangerous
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