What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

30, the missus has been away for work a lot recently, managed to throw some significant hours at Divinity:Original Sin, also dip in and out of SW:ToR, just waiting for Fallout 4 then I'll tell the missus it's not working and I want to sell the house to buy a 320" monitor.
Are there many 30 year old plus PC gamers? What is the multiplayer experience of choice?

Sadly you need to ask such a question, gamers on PC are today older, growing up with Pong which was 2 white lines with a ball going back and forth on some shops here to vic 20 and commodore 64 then watching Bilbo on a computer in a shop with text......was the highlight back in the 1980s.
I played Bf1942 and Bf2 until dice started to crap bad weed and lost their gameplay due to not knowing what made Battlefield great and BF3, BF4 and now Battlefront all ****.

Normally, some Path of exile, then today I wait for Grim Dawn to be released as such Arpg are a good time to spend, BF4 now and then and the recent Beta Battlefront but it sucked and no dice crap again.

MMOG I used to play, Everquest which was at the time (16 years ago) the best game and likely to never be surpassed in the MMO arena. WoW a kids game, tried a few GW2 etc..but they all are the same games without any real depth.

Games are made for kids but those kids like to play Battlefront that has no depth that is boring and lacks what older gamers crave.

I am 51 soon 52 years old and still owning kids in any fps games I play. :D

Games keeps your head sharp, coordination up and allows wisdom to be spent wisely.
41 here,

Various Arma 3 mods - BP, Exile
World of Warships
Armoured warfare
Mad Max
Watchdogs (or rather just trying to finish it as its pretty boring but it continually crashes so may just give up)
Dirtybomb for fps.great fun with friends.

Dirt rally for my car game

theHunter for chilling.

H1z1 battle royal with mates on ts great laugh.:D
I'm 37 currently playing Arma 3: Exile, Rust and BF4 when playing online with mates and playing Alien for single player with Outast and Evil Within lined up after. Also got CoD and SW pre ordered for PS4.
38 here. Playing GTAV and Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, at the moment.

I used to play WoW......a lot. Can't justify the time investment anymore.

Elite Dangerous
Tried WoWs. Nice game, but even more team dependant
Will be buying Fallout 4 on release as I played 3 and loved it
33 here

Rarely play multiplayer. Don't get enough gaming time to dedicate to it.

For my very occasional multiplayer games, I would play TF2 or Gauntlet.

Same, I tend to stick to single player campaigns with a beginning, middle and end.

Not enough hours in the day.

Recently tried the Star Wars: BF Beta. I play a small amount of Rocket League because it's easy to pickup and play and matches last about 5 minutes.
36 yrs old and currently addicted to CS GO. I also play ARMA 3 on a regular basis with a clan I'm in.

I just don't have the enthusiasm for any other games although I think I would really enjoy some of the racing games that are out currently but cannot afford a race setup just yet.
Does age matter anymore. :) Gamer 4 life!

41, I will play anything that takes my fancy.

Fifa 16
Mad Max
Little bit of GTA V and Witcher 3, though pretty much bored of those.

Still playing Arma 2 / Dayz Mod / Epoch loads, just dont like Arma 3
Battlefield 3 & 4
CS Source
Fallout ('s)

Those are the main current games of choice
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