What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?


csgo and ashes of the singularity are my go to games at the moment. Waiting patiently for the new Fallout.

My main games/fallbacks are:

Marvel Heroes
Crusader Kings 2
Beyond Earth: Rising Tide
Fallout New Vegas (one last tale of two wastelands play through before Fallout 4)
X-Com (was supposed to be one last long war game before X-Com 2 before it was put back)

But I'm the kind of gamer who will get in from work, look at my library and think "hell I'll play a few hours of this" just because the mood strikes. Played through an episode of Tales from the Borderlands every night this week just because there wasn't much on TV.

Multiplayer: Gta V (when it is not crashing) and APB Reloaded every now and then.
Singleplayer: Mad Max

I think only people older than 30 should play games :D, when younger I was out partying and "socializing" for days, now if I go out for a day, I'm dead next day, so I prefer to play my games and save money :p
Elite Dangerous, but having a love / hate relationshiop with it to be honest.

Not really excited by any other games tbh although am holding the hope that CCP do their MMOFPS the way that Planetside 2 should have been done.
No, none at all. Gaming is for single little boys with no life and no job, who still live in their mom's basement... or so I'm told, anyway. :p
I'm the youngest in my gaming groups, with several of us well over 50.

Often happens to me:
X: Hey, what did you do today?
Me: I was home playing some computer games
X: OMG? are you serious? How old are you?
Me: Grrr.. old enough to pay my bills, pay for my games and to take care of my own life.
At this very moment, Duke3D as i bought it on steam sale last night :)

In general i play Hydra.....erm i mean GTA.

No, none at all. Gaming is for single little boys with no life and no job, who still live in their mom's basement... or so I'm told, anyway. :p
I'm the youngest in my gaming groups, with several of us well over 50.

Im the same m8, im 32 and most of my friends i play with are late 30s-mid 40s, some of them ive played with for over 15 years online in games like Unreal, CS and WoW. I do like been called a stupid little kid often by someone young enough to be my son in GTA though, always makes me chuckle. I normally follow it with a thankyou, although they dont seem to appreciate it.
30 (so I feel like the baby of the group :D)

Kerbal Space Program mainly but also replaying classic games from my youth such as Total Annihilation, Final Liberation etc.

I went through a phase a few years ago (afer the birth of my first child) when I got really into multiplayer shooters, but now I pretty much don't touch multiplayer stuff at all.
37 here, don't play MUCH online.

If I do it's COH2 or BF4 and DayZ. SP is anything that's good. Just completed Mad Max and Batman AK, always tinkering with Ashes of the singularity, Valhalla Hills, Ark, The Forest, Rust, Project Cars, The Shadowrun Games and The Witcher 3. Feel free to add me on steam if you want a mature gamer to chat too.........HA!
I'm 40

Used to play a lot of bf1942 desert combat back in the day.
Playing GTA V and BF4 a bit.
I played a bit of Mad max but i get bored of single play games pretty quick.
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