What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Just got subnautica free via the epic store and really enojoying it.

Been through PUBG phase and then BF1 this year but finding I just don't have the reactions for twitch shooters anymore and BF1 whilst pretty got old fast.

maybe try CS:GO when playing as the defending side it's more about position and decision making that reactions. albeit reactions do still matter for things like AWP'ing, etc.

I find I still do quite well being 33 and the average gamer starts going downhill rapidly from 25 onward in terms of the top tier.
33 And plan to start Dark Souls 2 tonight..... how long do you give me before quitting?

Tried God of War on "Give Me God of War" difficulty and tried facing the Queen Valkyrie? Yes it's console but that'll give your patience a run for its money.

Destiny 2 still takes up most of my gaming time but looking forward to see how Anthem plays out. I really need to go back and finish Pathfinder Kingmaker as well. Gaming less than I used to but it's still the main hobby. :)
Heroes of The Storm
League of Legends (I prefer HOTS)
Rings of Elysium
PubG (Rings way better)
Handfull of us just created new chars for the new Diablo season too
Heavily back into RPG mode, so mixing it between Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC (completed main story and Hearts of Stone), Dragon Age Inquisition and finishing off Assassins Creed Origins.

Witcher 3 taking the spotlight, it's my all time favourite RPG by a long stretch, I've taken my sweet time with it, hunting down all the gear, exploring every nook and cranny. Absolutely loving it still.

As for the other 2, I just delve in when I want something easy on the eyes and mindless fun with a semi decent story.

Still playing Overwatch daily for half an hour here and there with the wife which is always a great laugh. Other than that, nothing really tickles my fancy.

Oh! And F1 2018 when I have a solid hour or 2 free to get in a race weekend, great fun.
To honour Unreal hitting 20 years last year I've been loving playing through it again. Such a beautiful game that really does stand the test of time and it looks amazing in 1440p. I'm using the oldunreal 227i patch which makes many improvements whilst still maintaining the original look of the game. If anyone hasn't played or missed it back in the day I highly recommend! You'll be shocked to think this game came out in 1998.
42 Currently playing FarCry 5 and a bit undecided. Looks lovely but not yet enjoying it as much as 3 or 4. 1 is still the best.

Recently completed:
AC Black Flag - first ever AC game and really enjoyed it.
AC Origins - loved this. 100% completion on this one - not been this attached to a game world since GTA San Andreas.
Doom - enjoyed it but got a bit samey by the end.

Recently not completed:
After Black Flag and Origins, had a go at AC1 but couldn't get into it having started out playing later ones in the series that ironed out a lot of the kinks. Just feels too clunky and the main character is a ****.

Up Next - got quite a backlog:
AC Odyssey
Tomb Raider (2013 one)
Prey (2017 one)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Metro 2033
I played Witcher 3 a lot a few months back, probably around 120 hours or so. I did play a bit of Destiny 2 but got bored of that quickly. Thinking of trying out Anthem in the Open Demo coming up, hopefully not as devoid of content as Destiny 2 was.
Mindlessly playing killing floor 2, I just can't seem to get in to any big games these days. I might try subnauitica tho as I'd like a good exploration game.
Dirt rally
Dirt 4
Rings of elysium
Cod 4 Blackout
Rainbow 6 seige
Elite dangerous
Shadow of the tomb raider
Neir automata
Arma 3
Call of cuthulu

About to play resident evil 2

38 years old, I've Been playing games since the commodore 64..
I should be the shroud killer by now

I,ve played so many games I should write a book or something
Still playing Planetside 2 , with the new Direct X 11 update coming out in the next 3-4 months I can't wait.

Here was a scene from the other night, the moment at 11 seconds when I see the squad of TR Mosquitos coming in, clearly trying to take me and my partner burster max out as we were the only anti air there, so mind blowing at times and totally unscripted. If anyone has tried Planetside 2 in the past I would highly recommend giving it another shot in the next few months!

The second video is another part of the battle, the moment at 54 seconds where a mossie tries to take me out but I duck at the last second! :))

Dark Souls Games

Nothing has changed for me over the past 18 years PC Gaming!

still playing Counter Strike haha :rolleyes:
Just finished the first playthrough of Subnautica, next one on the list is Elite Dangerous and AC origins and odyssey. Struggling to find time to spend, hours on end, these days though.
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