What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Finally get to try out a few new games, thanks to the free month of Origin Access. Star Wars Battlefront II queued up but currently playing Frostpunk. Looks to be quite tricky but also intriguing. Certainly keeping me engrossed.
RE2 remake
Star Wars Fallen Order
DBZ Z Fighters
Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

Epic 7 on mobile, yes i know i know but it's soooo addictive!

I used to do a lot of online gaming in MMOs but as with you guys, i don't really have time for anything too deep and lengthy online, whereas offline i can just pause it.

Oh and i'm so looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out!
I'm now in the 50+ bracket:(


Transport Fever
Automation Empire

Dipping in and out Age of Empires and Astroner.
I play too much world of warships. I think that the clientele there is older (and much more pleasant) than for world of tanks (where my son keeps raging about people trolling him).
I just turned 50. So I have been playing Pc games for most of my life. Play a lot of total war warhammer 2 and xcom2 after world of warships.
67 and playing RDR2 (Much better on PC than consule, I am halfway through which I could not do on consule), COD (fantastic), Various Flight Sims but will change next year when the new Microsoft Flight Sim is released.
I also have been gaming for quite some time and hope to continue for a long time yet.
world of warships
euro truck simulator 2
until couple months ago Overwatch

some Frostpunk, some Diablo III

recently came back to Freestyle 2 basketball
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Still playing The Elder Scrolls: Legends on the reg, but more of my time right now is in BattleTech - the new DLC is amazing - and Slay the Spire beta. Also playing a bit of Hearthstone Battlegrounds, but the shine is coming off that due to major balance issues.
Mid 30s currently enjoying and appreciating single player games like Rise of the Tomb Raider. Then will move on to Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I am taking my time playing through these games, appreciating the story line whilst playing on maxed out graphics settings on my Razer Blade 15 RTX 2080 Max Q :)

I have a lot in my backlog.. After Tomb Raider will probably go for Watch Dogs 1, then Watch Dogs 2, then the Dishonoured series, then Far Cry series..
Mid thirties and I mainly play RTS (warhammer total war), management (planet zoo) and world of Warcraft.

I occasionally throw in some BFV and Overwatch.

Oh and the odd dabble in GTA online and Red Dead online. The latter being more popular atm due to its recent launch.
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