What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Playing Battletech now and then and looking forward to Phoenix Point and Mechwarrior 5. Gaming is a now and again thing though lately. Still trying to go though the backlog of games, but it's more thought than reality.
Just bought Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes - I have never played a MSG game before, but absolutely loving it. It is weird with all the supernatural stuff at the beginning, but I hope that it will all make sense the more I will play. I am enjoying the tactical element of the game, especially as I am limited to the silenced weapons that I start with.
But I am also enjoying Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, for my John Wick styled combat and close combat takedowns.
Been playing the free to play Star Citezen (finishes on the 5th), it seems a really good game, but i just can not deal with these types of games that you have to invest large amounts of money in to really get anywhere
TheHunter : Call of the Wild ---- A really nice chill game, which plays at a much slower pace than almost anything else I have ever played. I love to sit down in the evenings, lights out, and just immerse myself in stalking and hunting down targets. I would recommend this game highly. It is not twitch based shooting, but a lot more about strategy.

RDR2 is occupying all my time at the moment. Loving it.

Might go back to Mass Effect Andromeda afterwards and actually complete it (I know I know, but I've started and I'm determined to finish it before my next birthday)
Keep falling back to Diablo 3, looking forward to 4.

If not D3, then;
Destiny 2
SW Fallen Order
CoD Modern Warfare
And the odd session of WoW.
Tonight started Lego Batman, since had it for months after getting it for free on EPIC store.

Best game laugh and entertainment had for quite some time.
TheHunter : Call of the Wild ---- A really nice chill game, which plays at a much slower pace than almost anything else I have ever played. I love to sit down in the evenings, lights out, and just immerse myself in stalking and hunting down targets. I would recommend this game highly. It is not twitch based shooting, but a lot more about strategy.

I echo this.
Superb game.
After completing Unreal (something I never got around to when I was a kid) I'm now on the Return to Nal Pali expansion. Its mint, even as good as the base game with plenty a decent environments and intense battles with the skaarj! And long play time. If you are decent at the old skool fast paced stuff I'd recommend the hardest difficulty. Gets fruity!
I am just coming to the end of a Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Trilogy session, that is the mod which merges all 5 games (BG BG:TOTSC BG:SoD BG2:SoA BG2:ToB) into one massive map. It appears 18 years is enough for a bloke of my age to utterly and comprehensively forget the contents of a game, as in going through BG2 again for the first time since release, and for Throne of Bhaal in particular I have absolutely no memory whatsoever of any detail in the game, and only vague recollection of a couple of particular events in Shadows of Amn. SoD was obviously new to me, and the original Baldurs Gate I had played 3 times before this, but BG2 may as well have been released yesterday as far as I am concerned.

Dungeon Keeper FX next.
Rocket League - I'm rubbish but it's thankfully a game you can play against other people your level, and Minecraft with the kids on our local server
In no order:

Call of Duty Modern Warfare
WoW classic
God of War (PS4 pro)

Between the above, there are some smaller titles I'll boot up for 15 mins, but the above is my main roster at the moment, a good blend of online shooters, card game, MMO and action RPG.
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