What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Still playing Rocket League and BFV

I play Rocket League with the most childish, toxic team mate on the internet. He gets banned all the time.
Keep going back to TIS-100 and chipping away at the puzzles. One day I'll have done them all. Then I suppose I'll pick up ShenzenIO on sale and begin again.
RE-Playing Project IGI after just completing Far Cry 1...

39 years old and re-living my 20s LOL

I know how you feel man. I'm spending a lot of my time just going back and playing older games from my youth.

Although right now I am playing Phoenix Point and finding it to be very good so far.
Are there any servers for the over 30,s with our reduced reaction times it might level the playing field a bit.
I just get absolutely ruined online now and never used to
38 - playing through Titanfall 2 at the moment, what an awesome game. Also playing Sniper 4 which isn't bad.

Recently finished Hellblade which was crazy and trying to play Aragami but can't get into it
Nearly 40 but still able to meet the age requirements for this thread :D

Been mostly playing on Nintendo Switch (Mario maker 2, Zelda BOTW, fire emblem) and Oculus Quest at the moment.

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I think that means you have to officially accept your an adult and stop playing games altogether ;)

Somehow I doubt being 40 will stop me or anyone else gaming.... :D

No chance. I will game for the rest of my life or until I’m physically unable to.

Give it 30 years or so and nursing homes will all be wired up for LAN parties :p

“Come on Mr Taylor, first you need your bed bath, then you can play GTA 20”
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