What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?

Sounds like it's time for another run as the opposite alignment and a new character type!

Not a bad idea at all, that. Going full renegade was fun (as is playing adept in all the games) but it was often against what I would've liked to have done if I weren't role playing.

Will give it a few months before I dive back in. That was such a brilliant told ride though, there were moments I almost teared up.
I stupidly didn't realise exactly what mission Citadel: Shore Leave was going to be.

By the time I had got to playing it I had already cured the Genophage - so I lost Mordin, Thane had died saving the councillor and Legion sacrificed himself so that the Geth could have free-will. It wasn't until I realised that this DLC was all about feeling good with your friends. It then dawned on me that those 3 would be missing and it was too long ago to go back to one of the saves.

When all of them were sat for the photo and I realised they weren't there I was honestly gutted.

I'm not really one for screenshots but seeing Shepard and Anderson sit down at the end and Anderson pass away as they view earth, hit me in the feels. After a hundred+ hours it was just something nice about it all going full circle

Really, hats off to Bioware for this masterpiece of a franchise. I knew I loved Mass Effect but playing them all again with all the DLC and doing all the side missions (bar one bit of DLC from ME2 i forgot to do) made me realise just how much I love the game world and all the characters within it.
I always went paragon, now trying to force the renegade run. It's a struggle though, often you need to hold off on the renegade choices to avoid straight up missing quests, or getting just bad outcomes, despite still being able to do renegade choices later in the conversation. Just going through me1 for the 2nd time in my legendary edition runs.

ME3 absolutely hammered me in the feels a few times.
Just played through Jedi: Fallen Order again, such a good game with an amazing story, wish the combat was a bit tighter as the parry system can be a bit hit and miss against bosses. Hope they make a sequel as its crying out for one!
I don't get the same enjoyment from playing games as I did when I was younger but bought myself New World on steam and can't wait for it to come out. Trailers look amazing so hoping it doesn't disappoint.
Started another run through the Baldur's Gate trilogy, trying a Cavalier this time.

Is there an updated version of Baldur’s Gate? I loved the original back in the 90s but not sure I could play it now unless the resolutions etc. are a bit more modern!
After having a long tint ranking up on Apex Legends after the last split i've decided to go back and finish Max Payne 3, always loved the Max Payne games but never really played this on and thought it would be good title to start my Let's Play streams with.
Is there an updated version of Baldur’s Gate? I loved the original back in the 90s but not sure I could play it now unless the resolutions etc. are a bit more modern!

As Bakes0310 said you can get the 'Enhanced Editions' on Steam or Good Old Games. Also highly recommend following the user 'Davaeorn' on Twitch, he streams no reload playthroughs with insane difficulty levels/mods installed.
Kinda stuck playing Forza Horizon 4 (bored of it now though), Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V at the moment. I feel like there hasn't really been any decent games out in the last few years but that's partly because I don't like: horror/scary games of any sort, MMOs, Battle Royale games. Doesn't leave a lot to play on PC, especially if looking for something that came out recently.

I used to absolutely love competitive FPS games such as Quake, then CS, but no longer have the time to invest to be any good. It's no fun when you are absolutely awful at the games. I may start playing Factorio again but it's also very time consuming and once I have done the first part of automation I tend to get a bit bored or take too long a break then have no idea what I was doing. I only play games 2-3 times a week, if that. And usually only for an hour or so.

It's so frustrating that now I'm old enough to have enough money to throw at a PC, I can't find anything to play on it!
Kinda stuck playing Forza Horizon 4 (bored of it now though), Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V at the moment. I feel like there hasn't really been any decent games out in the last few years but that's partly because I don't like: horror/scary games of any sort, MMOs, Battle Royale games. Doesn't leave a lot to play on PC, especially if looking for something that came out recently.

I used to absolutely love competitive FPS games such as Quake, then CS, but no longer have the time to invest to be any good. It's no fun when you are absolutely awful at the games. I may start playing Factorio again but it's also very time consuming and once I have done the first part of automation I tend to get a bit bored or take too long a break then have no idea what I was doing. I only play games 2-3 times a week, if that. And usually only for an hour or so.

It's so frustrating that now I'm old enough to have enough money to throw at a PC, I can't find anything to play on it!

Have you tried Hell Let Loose, sounds like it could be your thing.

I've just started up again after a few months break. One of the best PC gaming experiences I've had, if you get a decent squad it's even better. no raging kids playing it either, the player base is mature.

Exits early access in a few days and the eastern front maps get released as well, can't wait!
Have you tried Hell Let Loose, sounds like it could be your thing.

I've just started up again after a few months break. One of the best PC gaming experiences I've had, if you get a decent squad it's even better. no raging kids playing it either, the player base is mature.

Exits early access in a few days and the eastern front maps get released as well, can't wait!
+1 for Hell let loose great game.
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