What book are you reading...

Robert Jordan's A New Spring (Wheel of Time prequel). Reading it before moving on to the final 4 books. Interesting to see the history of some of the characters, but it's not exactly a free-flowing book. Wheel of Time is a funny one; I loved the first two books and then found the rest to be a bit of a slog with some sporadic great bits throughout.
Robert Jordan's A New Spring (Wheel of Time prequel). Reading it before moving on to the final 4 books. Interesting to see the history of some of the characters, but it's not exactly a free-flowing book. Wheel of Time is a funny one; I loved the first two books and then found the rest to be a bit of a slog with some sporadic great bits throughout.
Yeah there is a lot of slog but I agree also some great scenes especially some of the larger battles in the mid to end that really bring the series alive.

I'm reading Sharpe's Eagle a rollicking good read, it's not high literature but it's a lot of fun.
I'm about 2/3 way through Book 7 of the Expanse series - Persepolis Rising. I watched the series on Amazon Prime and this is the first Expanse novel I've read. Excellent so far, continues where the TV series left off!
That looks interesting, I'll add it to my list.

Yea it kept coming across my radar and I was in the mood for something like that after the marathon that were the King Killer Chronicles.

If you can get around the fact that he tries to make every sentence seem epic with flowery melodrama, the story is solid. I don't think I'm giving anything away when I say that the story is being narrated by the main protagonist to a vampire, but in any given paragraphs or page the author can jump into the story, back to narration and back to the story. Sometimes even from sentence to sentence. It's a novel that demands your close attention.

I'm only a 5th of the way through but it's definitely something I'd recommend already.

Just a word of warning, it gets very visceral in places. It's not a book for the squeamish.
Have you read any of his other series? They seem to be pretty well rated on goodreads so I might try one of those first as I generally prefer to start completed series (Rothfuss!)
Skint Estate - Cash Carraway

Came up as a recommendation somewhere and I thought it'll be a quick skim-through read over a weekend. Instead it has become one of the heaviest reads I've done in a long long time. I don't know how much is exaggerated for shock value, but it's exceptionally well written (after a slow start) and very eye-opening. And as a father myself, very distressing in some places.
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the Jack Irish series by Peter Temple

Australian crime drama written in the 1990's. 4 books in the series.

a really good read, the kind of books where youre always wanting to read just one more chapter before you put it down.
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