What book are you reading...

I've been reading a cheapo 77p Kindle Sci Fi omnibus about two characters called Salvo and Gunn. I'm having a blast with it. It won't win any prizes, but it's good fun and feels like a fun SyFy show in book form.
Finished Edge of Collapse, damn good read. as I got to 85% or so I was wondering how it was going to resolve in the rather short time left, and now I find its book 1 or 7. ow I thought 15% was a bit short to finish, but clearly there is a LOT left in this story.

Very easily read and well written I thought. I'm glad there is a whole series to get thru.
Finished Edge of Collapse, damn good read. as I got to 85% or so I was wondering how it was going to resolve in the rather short time left, and now I find its book 1 or 7. ow I thought 15% was a bit short to finish, but clearly there is a LOT left in this story.

Very easily read and well written I thought. I'm glad there is a whole series to get thru.
That's good to know. I have book 1 as it sounded interesting.
I'm about to read Consider Phlebas by Iain M Banks. I've read it before but I didn't read the whole Culture series last time so I thought I'd read them in order one after the other for the best experience.
Just finished Snowbound by Blake Crouch. Good page turner, but not my favourite of his.

I've now got The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connolly to read, Bosch book 3. Really enjoyed the last two and have heard good things about this one.
The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes.

Excellent CIA/Terrorists thriller. A real page turner.
Started I am Pilgrim, but gave up as I did not enjoy the flashback style. And the glibness got to me.

Despite its huge wealth, vast oil reserves, and love of high-tech American armaments, nothing really works in Saudi Arabia.

The driver thought I was crazy - but then his religion thinks stoning a woman to death for adultery is reasonable, so I figured we were about even.
The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes.

Excellent CIA/Terrorists thriller. A real page turner.
Actually - I wrote this while still reading it so now I am going to say - dont bother.

For some reason about 2 thirds the way in it changes from a spy thriller into a very poor Sci-fi/horror B movie. Its as if he couldnt be arsed to finish the book so gave it over to his 15yr old son to finish or something.

Awful. (unless you just read the the good bits and then make up your own ending) A huge disappointment after the first book.
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Just finished Nebula Awards Showcase 2008.

Not very good- though one excellent short story (Two Hearts, by Peter Beagle). There were lots of essays and other filler.

I doubt I'll bother with other volumes, based on this one.
I just finished Last Light (Nick Stone book 4) and I'm wondering if these are getting worse? I really enjoyed the first one, but maybe it was the realism and the weird chemistry with the kid while trying to do what he had to do. This 4th one, the pacing seemed slower than normal. Has anyone gone through the whole series? Should I just stop now or do they get better again? I guess it's just his style, all the detailed description, but as I say, I did enjoy it earlier.
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I just finished Bosch book 5 (Trunk Music) and I'm nearly done with Reacher book 5 (Echo Burning) and I'm really enjoying them. I have one more Nick Stone in my library, but might drop them from my rotation.

Can anyone recommend any other series like Bosch and Reacher? Thanks.
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