What book are you reading...

James Clavell books are really good. I have read them a few times.

I am finding this out, i thought Shogun was excellent and really insightful into Japanese samurai culture.
The field of swords, the 3rd book in Conn Iggulden's Emperor series based on the of Julius Cesar
I enjoyed this series as well, but imo his Genghis Kahn series is even better.
The field of swords, the 3rd book in Conn Iggulden's Emperor series based on the of Julius Cesar

Currently working my way through the first admittedly on audio book but I'm really enjoying it. Only peaked my interest because a passenger left the 2nd book in the series on one of our aircraft and I had a read of the back.

I will do the set of four :)
Under the dome, Stephen King

Just finished that one, it is going to be a TV series starting in June iirc. I really enjoyed the book so I am looking forward to the TV series.

I then moved on to Stephen Kings 11.22.63 - a book about travelling back in time to the date of Kennedy's assassination, but I gave up on that one and started Jim Butchers "Cold Days".
currently reading metro 2033.

btw, I would reccomend goodreads to those who havent joined it yet. its ideal for the digital generation of people using this forum :D

if anyone wants to add me - username is sidxms
Life, the Universe, and Everything
consequence of a number of stunning catastrophes, Arthur Dent is surprised to find himself living in a hideously miserable cave on prehistoric Earth. However, just as he thinks that things cannot get possibly worse, they suddenly do. He discovers that the Galaxy is not only mind-boggingly big and bewildering but also that most of the things that happen in it are staggeringly unfair.

A very bizarre and odd book, I was just totally bewildered to begin with, but as it goes through you get used to the odd writing and start to understand what the **** is happening. It's not a bad book and am gear to find out what happens. But I do feel he's being confusing for the sake of been confusing.
I'm completely and utterly out of ideas for what to read (listen to!) next.

Just finished off Joe Abercrombies other 3 books, again the story is never particualrly great and is generally pretty predictable but I just love the way he writes his characters and the way they interact so I really enjoyed all 3 books again.

Last 2 malazan books are still not out on audiobook :( nor are the Esslemont ones. Thinking of giving the Forge of Darkness book a go, but worried there will be spoilers for the main story in there? - although I realise its set before Book of the Fallen.
Was just one book I think, had a wild west feel to it for me. Not a bad book in it's own right though!

What you said sort of reminded me of the Wheel of Time books, when he took over the first book he did was great, next not as great, and the last one just felt rushed and not as good as the others.

Shame really, I think Brandon Sanderson has a good writing style but sometimes he's let down by being unable to tie up the story with as much finesse as he has when writing the start or body of the story!
Life, the Universe, and Everything

A very bizarre and odd book, I was just totally bewildered to begin with, but as it goes through you get used to the odd writing and start to understand what the **** is happening. It's not a bad book and am gear to find out what happens. But I do feel he's being confusing for the sake of been confusing.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states: "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. Its knack lies in learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that provides the difficulties."

HHG2G is an awesome series. If you liked the first book, I would TOTALLY recommend getting your hands on the BBC TV Series. I actually think most of it is up on Youtube.
The budget is so shoestring its unreal. Like the early days of Red Dwarf.
People bumping into walls and the whole set shakes :D
Wwatching this will, however, make you detest to your roots the namby pamby Holywood movie ...
I would also recommend 'Dirk Gentlys' Holistic Detective Agency' and its followup 'The long dark Teatime of the Soul' (same author, different setting)
Have to say, that my favourite author is Stephen R Donaldson.
If you like DARK books, then this guy is for you.
He has 2 excellent series:
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Fantasy
The Gap Series - Sci Fi

Anti-Heroes are this guys forte, but you REALLY have to be into analyzing thought processes to get into the Chronicles series. A significant amount of the first book (but it diminishes in the rest) is spent going through the main characters thinking. Leads to a bit of repetition at times, and Donaldson DOES tend to take 100 words to say what could be expressed in 10 at times, but really enjoyable.

The Gap series is a great sci-fi series.
The Science is believable and well written, but doesnt play too important a role (apart from a few items).
Was initially a short story - the first book, but he couldnt stay away from it and developed it into a full blown epic space opera.
The style of the book changes immensely after the first book, and whist the first book can be viewed as a completed story in itself, he uises it to good effect by just laying the groundworks for the main characters in the full series.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states: "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. Its knack lies in learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that provides the difficulties."


I think I will give his other books a try at some point.

What I really want is some easy story book. I've done so many science type books recently, need some easy reading.
But I've read all lee child/jack Higgins/Mathew Riley books, need a new series author along the same lines.
Was just one book I think, had a wild west feel to it for me. Not a bad book in it's own right though!

What you said sort of reminded me of the Wheel of Time books, when he took over the first book he did was great, next not as great, and the last one just felt rushed and not as good as the others.

Shame really, I think Brandon Sanderson has a good writing style but sometimes he's let down by being unable to tie up the story with as much finesse as he has when writing the start or body of the story!

Think I said the same thing in the Wheel of Time thread - he just let the need for action get away from him in a Memory of Light, much like he did in the final mistborn book. It just ended up being incredibly repetitve, dull, with moments of "hope" too thin and far between.

I think I will give his other books a try at some point.

What I really want is some easy story book. I've done so many science type books recently, need some easy reading.
But I've read all lee child/jack Higgins/Mathew Riley books, need a new series author along the same lines.

Conn Iggulden either the Emporer or Conqueror series are very good.
Crime genre, try Michael Connelly or Jo Nesbo
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