What book are you reading...

Thanks, going to try conquer series and Jo Nesbo to start with.

Edit - that's not who I thought it was, actually got the first Harry Bosch Book waiting.
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Will start

The Hydrogen Sonata by Iain M Banks

Actually missed its release, didnt expect another Culture book so soon, so gad not been looking for it.

I enjoyed it.
Ship interactions as ever were superb.
Just the last few pages seemed slightly lacking for Banks, unsure why, it ended fine, well even, but for him, not as well as expected.
about 30 minutes ago I finished The Gunslinger, first in The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Man that geared up towards the end! wish I hadn't choose the free delivery on a certain bookstore for the 2nd part, I want it now!
Just finished Daylight War by Peter V Brett. Brilliant book but I hate the author for how he finished it :(:p

Going to be a killer waiting for the next instalment.

Reading The Bone Collector now by Jeffery Deaver.
I'm currently reading Heretic by David Drake and Tony Daniel, which so far is ok (it was one of the "secondary"* books in a baen bundle).

Not a novel, but I'm also reading VFX, which is a history of the BBC visual effects department by Mat Irvine and Mike Tucker which is very interesting and a good read if you're into the background behind TV, as it starts with a brief history of the department, then goes on to feature 50 different shows (or genre) and what sort of effects were used on them, info on how they did them, and loads of pictures :)
It's got larger features on major series like Doctor Who (actually featured twice, once for old and once for new), Red Dwarf and Blakes 7.
What I didn't quite grasp before was quite how little time, and money was budgeted for some of the shows (IE having to redo props in lunch hours, or do additional work whilst cameras were being set up because it didn't look right on camera).

*I tend to buy Baen bundles if they've either got a new release I want, or two or three books I'm interested in but are a bit older (and anything else is a "secondary" for me, although some of those extra books have led me to new authors I like)..
The Gods of War - The 4th book in Conn Igguldens's Emperor series. A very good series of books, probaly not as good as the Conquer series but a series worth reading if fact based historical fiction is something you enjoy.

Looking forward to the 5th book, (based this time on Octavian) to be released later in the year.
Last night I finished 'The Blade Itself' byJoe Abercrombie. Book one of The First Law trilogy.

Very good but so far has only set up the characters, which are great. Hoping the second and third books really develop the story.

But before that I'm reading 'Third Shift: Pact' by Hugh Howey. The final book in the 'Wool' prequel series.
I'm reading the Black Company books at the moment, I just finished the books of the North, onto the next ones :D

How are you getting on with The Glittering Stones stuff? I enjoyed the books of the North, but I'm struggling with these
Just finished that one, it is going to be a TV series starting in June iirc. I really enjoyed the book so I am looking forward to the TV series.

I then moved on to Stephen Kings 11.22.63 - a book about travelling back in time to the date of Kennedy's assassination, but I gave up on that one and started Jim Butchers "Cold Days".

Don't give up on 11.22.63! There were bits of it I didn't enjoy, especially the bits that hark back to King's other works (I'm not a huge horror fan, I prefer his more real-life or scifi stuff so I didn't really know much about it) but apart from that it's really good. The ending is a cracker.
Not quite the thread for it but didn't want to post a whole new thread for what I imagine wont get loads of interest.

Martin Cruz Smith who writes the excellent (bar the last one) Arkady Renko has confirmed that there is another book in the series out in November;


Excited, hopefully it will be a return to form as Three Stations was very poor.
Last night I finished 'The Blade Itself' byJoe Abercrombie. Book one of The First Law trilogy.
I was tempted by the Kindle sample and comments here to pick up all three for a tenner, but I have to say I ground to a halt after a couple of hundred pages. Wasn't feeling the love for the world or characters at all. But I've bought the darned things so I will return! :->

I'm having similar problems with Rothfuss. Heard a lot of good things about Name of the Wind, but it failed to develop into something compelling for me. It has compelling elements, to be sure, and I nibbled my way through it while waiting for it to turn into something more than Harry Potter for grownups. But book two is turning into a grind. I like lots of the elements, but it's great fantasy soap opera rather than simply great fantasy.

I think perhaps reading Martin has spoiled my reading habits. Perhaps I should take a break and freshen up with a bit of science fiction. I fancy re-reading Donaldson's Gap books... though I may wait until the weather's nicer to start. Such depressing (in a very good way) fiction needs something to counterbalance it.
Finished The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester, started it in Feb, but went off reading for a little while, but the reading bug is back :) Highly recommended, now one of my fav books.

Also started and finished Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy this week, and am currently reading The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, about 100 pages into it, should be finished tomorrow sometime, loving them so far :D And have Halo Silentium in the post, should be here in a couple of days :D
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I was tempted by the Kindle sample and comments here to pick up all three for a tenner, but I have to say I ground to a halt after a couple of hundred pages. Wasn't feeling the love for the world or characters at all. But I've bought the darned things so I will return! :->

I'm having similar problems with Rothfuss. Heard a lot of good things about Name of the Wind, but it failed to develop into something compelling for me. It has compelling elements, to be sure, and I nibbled my way through it while waiting for it to turn into something more than Harry Potter for grownups. But book two is turning into a grind. I like lots of the elements, but it's great fantasy soap opera rather than simply great fantasy.

I think perhaps reading Martin has spoiled my reading habits. Perhaps I should take a break and freshen up with a bit of science fiction. I fancy re-reading Donaldson's Gap books... though I may wait until the weather's nicer to start. Such depressing (in a very good way) fiction needs something to counterbalance it.

I would give Abercrombie another go.

Similar to you the first time I tried it I couldn't get into it and have up after 100 or so pages. Read some other bits and came back a few month later and flew through it. Ended up reading the whole trilogy and the extra 2 books in about a month :p

I know what you mean about Rothfuss. I have read both books but they are a chore rather than a pleasure. Spent all the time waiting for something to happen which never does. Either the third book will be fantastic or he will need to write a lot more than three to finish the series (though I very much doubt I would continue on for the whole journey)
I would give Abercrombie another go.
Don't worry, if I pay for something I like to get my money's worth... I'll be back! If only because I got the trilogy in in e-form and I am a reluctant convert to the e-format.

I do like to have physical books, but I bought the Rothfuss novels as cheap second handers (though they looked brand new to me) and they came in that massive paperback format you could use to start bonfires with. Ridiculously heavy and cumbersome! But even normal books are a pain to read if you're slobbed in bed on a cold night.

It's hard to break the dead tree habit though. I welcome e-formats for games, TV, and movies, because I don't get attached to them in the same way. But books don't really seem real unless you can weigh the words in your hands.
Just picked up World War Z for my kindle in the sale at £1.19, been meaning to read it for ages so it's next on my list.

Also picked up The Amtrak Wars: Cloud Warrior for 99p and the Fourth Chung Kuo book for £1.19, I now own books 1, 3 and 4 from that series all picked up on offer, wonder which one will be next to get the sale treatment :)
Currently at chapter 3 in Tai Pan by James Clavell, really enjoying it so far, on par with Shogun.
I did start book 1 in the Malazan series, but put it down after chapter 2, does it get better? as i want to go back to it.
I hate quiting a book thats not finished.
I didn't enjoy Magician, I thought it was more like a book written for teenagers. Haven't read the other 2 in the series.

Tai Pan is superb (as are all his books!). Make sure you go on to Noble House!
For me, the only author that competes with James Clavell for story telling and having me gripped completely to the book, is George R R Martin.

I'm just coming to the end of The Blade itself. Nothing like I was expecting it to be, and I still don't know where it's going. Written really well, although there is a lack of history to the world and some of the characters that I would like. Will be reading the following books at some point soon.
Don't worry, if I pay for something I like to get my money's worth... I'll be back! If only because I got the trilogy in in e-form and I am a reluctant convert to the e-format.

I do like to have physical books, but I bought the Rothfuss novels as cheap second handers (though they looked brand new to me) and they came in that massive paperback format you could use to start bonfires with. Ridiculously heavy and cumbersome! But even normal books are a pain to read if you're slobbed in bed on a cold night.

It's hard to break the dead tree habit though. I welcome e-formats for games, TV, and movies, because I don't get attached to them in the same way. But books don't really seem real unless you can weigh the words in your hands.


Much prefer a book to any e reader stuff, especially considering they are generally the same price. Over 400 books in the house and this will only continue to grow :D
Finished The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester, started it in Feb, but went off reading for a little while, but the reading bug is back :) Highly recommended, now one of my fav books.

Also started and finished Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy this week, and am currently reading The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, about 100 pages into it, should be finished tomorrow sometime, loving them so far :D And have Halo Silentium in the post, should be here in a couple of days :D

Actually finished The restaurant At The End Of The universe last night, another great read :) not as good as the first book, but still damn good
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