What book are you reading...

Finished the Wolf of Wall Street yesterday and onto Catching the Wolf of Wall Street today. If the second one is as good as the first one, it'll be a good read,
Just finished Warren Ellis' Gun Machine. Not as bat**** crazy as his previous novel, Crooked Little Vein, but the writing is fantastic, a nice little detective thriller with just the right amount of darkness and slightly offbeat characters. Honestly, I found myself strugging to put it down, it goes at a perfect pace.
Hmmmm.... Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe books all at 99p on Kindle today, what are they like to read as an adult? Wondering if I should throw down seven pounds on the lot as I've never read them?
How did I not know about this site?

Only found it due to a news article, that mazon is buying it.

Can't remember who recommended it but absolutely loving Black Echo by Michael+Connelly. Almost finished it fantastic book.
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Hmmmm.... Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe books all at 99p on Kindle today, what are they like to read as an adult? Wondering if I should throw down seven pounds on the lot as I've never read them?

I'd say yes. The first and last are the weakest of the series oddly, the middle five are all classics.

Not sure what will happen to Goodreads now they've become an annexe of Empire Amazon. Enormous amounts of targetted advertising based on my reading habits presumably.:rolleyes:
How did I not know about this site?

Only found it due to a news article, that mazon is buying it.

Can't remember who recommended it but absolutely loving Black Echo by Michael+Connelly. Almost finished it fantastic book.

Glad you liked it, :D
Harrys a pretty complex character and a lot more of his past comes out in future books.
Ah, never read the Harry Bosch series but thoroughly enjoyed the Mick Haller series of Connelly. What puts me off is the age of the first book and having the suffer bad technology and his work-in-progress writing style. I might be completely wrong though. I'll give it a shot. Start the series from book one.
read 1 of the walking dead books - road to woodberry and working on the other rise of the governor ... both books are pretty good - although IMO they could have used another 200 pages ... not much of a story and pretty much doesnt really get into much but if you like zombie stuff and like the walking dead these are decent

just finished the 1st WD book now rise of the governor - actually liked this one a bit more - seemed more tense and more believable etc ...

still too short :) would have liked 200+ more pages to read
I've been burning my way through the Dune series.
Just got to God Emperor of Dune, and am struggling to understand it. It feels so... pretentious. Anybody else find this?
This was nearly on the fifth page!! Back to the front page we go :D

Just finished Wiess and Hickman's Deathgate series. Quite a fun read, epic in all the right parts, and I must admit it was good writing. Does get predictable in parts, but others I didn't see coming at all. I well recommend it! Quite like the magic systems, and all of the various appendixes to the books explaining them (quite a few parallels drawn to quantum physics).
Just finished Breaking With Moscow, the true story of Arkady Shevchenko (A Russian Diplomat who defected to USA)

Really good insight into the mind-set and workings of the Soviet era politicians & diplomats, as well as the confusion many Russians felt about their own policies.
Ah, never read the Harry Bosch series but thoroughly enjoyed the Mick Haller series of Connelly. What puts me off is the age of the first book and having the suffer bad technology and his work-in-progress writing style. I might be completely wrong though. I'll give it a shot. Start the series from book one.

I've read the first 23 of the Bosch, Haller books.

I read them in order they were printed as Haller & Bosch appear in a 2 or 3 (from memory) together.

Absolutely loved them Hardly taxes the brain but thoroughly enjoyable.
Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis. I've just started the latter. I think I might have worked out where they made the mistake which stopped everything working...
Just started reading Michael Moorcock's Elric series. Onto the second book, and not even 30 pages in, we already have a sailing ship that sails across time and space. Just.. what? Getting to be a fairly interesting read though!
I've been burning my way through the Dune series.
Just got to God Emperor of Dune, and am struggling to understand it. It feels so... pretentious. Anybody else find this?

I'm about 100 pages into Dune. I first tried to read it when I was around 14 and the densely plotted politics of it all was clearly too mature for me and I gave up quite quickley.
Enjoying it much more this time around
Well, having struggles through Brave New World (I've no idea why, it just took me ages to read it) I went on to read The Departure and Zero Point by Neal Asher, eagerly awaiting the next on the series now as I found them both to be quite enjoyable.

Also read Z2134 which, while it certainly entertained I couldn't help but feel was a summation of ideas (story is pretty much Battle Royale and Hunger Games with added zombies) from other authors, something the authors then explained it was in the afterword lol.

Now currently re-reading Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy, which are a great set of Fantasy books.
About 250 pages into feast for crows, started nearly 2 months ago, hmmm. It's not the book it's just me not giving myself enough time only reading one chapter before bed and not even every day, sometimes not even once in a week, need to provide more time because every chapter I have read has been good.
I have recently read a collective of Guy de Maupassant short stories.

Neil Gaiman first 3 of the Sandman series(graphic novels).

Also Coraline and Stardust by Neil Gaiman. Strangely I never really usually find it to be the case that I prefer a film than the book but I did in the case of Stardust.

Anyway they are all like a fluffy and short. If it wasn't for exams I've start on a novel...
Reading a couple more John Le Carre books before attempting to finish the tortire that has been Thomas Covenant Chronicles. I know they are highly thought of but twice out it down reaching about a third left of the second book (in the first trilogy) and I find it a real struggle. I don't particularly like, but can cope with, true good guys. I enjoy a morally ambiguous or down right evil protagonist. But Covenant is just a whiny and indecisive annoying breast and the constant moaning and moralising is boring the way it is written. Probably why I hated Hobb as well as she writes boring and tedious leads too. /rant :p
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