Hmmmm.... Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe books all at 99p on Kindle today, what are they like to read as an adult? Wondering if I should throw down seven pounds on the lot as I've never read them?
How did I not know about this site?
Only found it due to a news article, that mazon is buying it.
Can't remember who recommended it but absolutely loving Black Echo by Michael+Connelly. Almost finished it fantastic book.
read 1 of the walking dead books - road to woodberry and working on the other rise of the governor ... both books are pretty good - although IMO they could have used another 200 pages ... not much of a story and pretty much doesnt really get into much but if you like zombie stuff and like the walking dead these are decent
Ah, never read the Harry Bosch series but thoroughly enjoyed the Mick Haller series of Connelly. What puts me off is the age of the first book and having the suffer bad technology and his work-in-progress writing style. I might be completely wrong though. I'll give it a shot. Start the series from book one.
I've been burning my way through the Dune series.
Just got to God Emperor of Dune, and am struggling to understand it. It feels so... pretentious. Anybody else find this?