What book are you reading...

I will never, ever, ever forgive him for the "magic door under the wall", or for the way Renly was killed, or even for two dimensional white walker zombie boogiemen. Lazy, lazy, lazy writing.

The Door under the wall is one of my favourite bits!...I really like the idea of the words and oaths taken actually having power, especially the NW vows.

I think the White Walkers are gonna turn out to be quite interesting actually...I'm not saying they are gonna be good guys as some think(:confused:), but at least not wholly evil.

I am not a fan of the way Renly was killed either, but it does at least put us on alert that Melisandre is, shall we say, not a good influence on Stannis!;)(I think she is probably a bigger evil than the others tbh...trying to work out her motives is one of the hardest things in the books!)

Oh and I agree about Robb Stark...I hated it at the time, but it is one of the best things I have ever read!

I originally started reading the books when I was at college doing History, particularly the War of the Roses. I was reading a lot of narrative history at the time and it was recommended to me...It is pretty much the only 'fantasy' that I have read other than the LOTR(when I was younger) and Malazan books....I don't really have a problem with any of the 'magical' bits in it, as I just accept it as part of the world tbh.

A new ASOIAF is always without doubt my most anticipated novel/movie/anything when it is due
Finally read through all the current books in A Song of Ice and Fire and I am very glad it is over for now.
While it is for the most part very well written with some of the most engaging characters I have read for a while I can’t help but feel the whole ordeal has been overly long and a bit... pointless thus far.

I will read the final books when they are released just to see what happens but I can’t help but feel the whole series could have done with a damn good editing.


The Hound isnt dead.
I am going properly old school at the moment. Reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman. My plan is to read the whole series in order.
I am going properly old school at the moment. Reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman. My plan is to read the whole series in order.

I started reading Weiss' books, but it just didn't seem to click. May give them another go once I've finished my current Alfred book.
I am currently reading:
Economic Facts and Fallacies, 2nd edition by Thomas Sowell

So far a very interesting read, Sowell is a great writer, having read a number of economics books since I got my nexus 7, I find his writing style most pleasant to read.
The stand by Stephen King

Book is massive :eek:

I'm reading that still! I seem to have ended up with the version of the book where he fired his editor and stuck every cut paragraph back in. It's a good read but I haven't tried very hard to finish it.

I had got "Commander: The Life and Exploits of Britain’s Greatest Frigate Captain by Stephen Taylor" up next to read but I knocked it and my android tablet into the bath and could only save one of them. Let's just say Pellew was lost at sea (tablet is fine!).

The Hound isnt dead.

I agree with this also.
After all, when the monk is asked if he is dead (I forget by who), he replies that he is at rest, NOT confirming that he is dead. I can forsee him somehow surviving, and then trying to redeem himself. Possibly by finding Ayra again and preotecting her (not that she'll need it now...), or by clearing the name of 'the Hound' since all the pillaging wasn't him. Lady Stoneheart and her Band Without Banners are now in posession of the helmet now aren't they? Didn't they off the bandits who had the helmet?
Just finished World War Z (cause of the impending Film release this year)

I really enjoyed it - much to my surprise - I loved how the stories interwove into one another in some cases and the angles which he covers, the K9 corp handlers and people emotionally unhinged by the events, are unusual in a book which is about a war.

I found it really enjoyable and a really good read :) Struggling to see HOW they have made a film based on the book tho...will have to wait and see I guess :)

I agree with this also.
After all, when the monk is asked if he is dead (I forget by who), he replies that he is at rest, NOT confirming that he is dead. I can forsee him somehow surviving, and then trying to redeem himself. Possibly by finding Ayra again and preotecting her (not that she'll need it now...), or by clearing the name of 'the Hound' since all the pillaging wasn't him. Lady Stoneheart and her Band Without Banners are now in posession of the helmet now aren't they? Didn't they off the bandits who had the helmet?

I could still see him fighting Gregor in Cersei's trial by combat which is coming up....the Faith will either choose Sandor or Lancel I think. Not sure which...I am leaning towards Lancel though. I definitely think Sandor will either fight Gregor or find one of the Starks. Tbh, even if he is never mentioned again, I think it would still be ok with me
Just finished Chickenhawk. "Wow" is all I can say. It was not at all what I expected from it. I know it's so cliche to say but I felt the whole time like I was there and I was part of the group. Sad parts throughout and the last chapter was also quite sad in its own way. My only wish is that the book was 1000 pages longer... Probably my new all time favourite book, top 3 at least. Incredible.

Onto "Nam" by Mark Baker now.
I agree with this also.
After all, when the monk is asked if he is dead (I forget by who), he replies that he is at rest, NOT confirming that he is dead. I can forsee him somehow surviving, and then trying to redeem himself. Possibly by finding Ayra again and preotecting her (not that she'll need it now...), or by clearing the name of 'the Hound' since all the pillaging wasn't him. Lady Stoneheart and her Band Without Banners are now in posession of the helmet now aren't they? Didn't they off the bandits who had the helmet?

If you think about the other chapters involving the monk, at one point they end up at a camp where Sandor Cleaganes horse is just chilling... this is Stranger, the horse that bites, kicks and stamps on anybody other than the Hound if they try and touch it. There is also a massive guy with a limp digging graves at the same camp. "The Hound" is dead, Sandor Cleagane is alive, maybe he has finally been able to get away from his past.

I see a final showdown between Sandor and Gregor, and since Gregor is undead I imagine it will involve The Hound being forced to set him on fire, thus the story comes full circle.
If you think about the other chapters involving the monk, at one point they end up at a camp where Sandor Cleaganes horse is just chilling... this is Stranger, the horse that bites, kicks and stamps on anybody other than the Hound if they try and touch it. There is also a massive guy with a limp digging graves at the same camp. "The Hound" is dead, Sandor Cleagane is alive, maybe he has finally been able to get away from his past.

I see a final showdown between Sandor and Gregor, and since Gregor is undead I imagine it will involve The Hound being forced to set him on fire, thus the story comes full circle.

Wait.. Gregor is undead? When did that happen? (Yes I have read all the books, but it's been at least a year now.)
Wait.. Gregor is undead? When did that happen? (Yes I have read all the books, but it's been at least a year now.)

Ser Robert Strong, new addition to the kings guard. Built like a brick outhouse, doesnt say a word. Pretty sure he is the creation of that slimey former Maester that has been hanging around Kings Landing, the same guy that hand access to Gregors body.
Just finished World War Z (cause of the impending Film release this year)

I really enjoyed it - much to my surprise - I loved how the stories interwove into one another in some cases and the angles which he covers, the K9 corp handlers and people emotionally unhinged by the events, are unusual in a book which is about a war.

I found it really enjoyable and a really good read :) Struggling to see HOW they have made a film based on the book tho...will have to wait and see I guess :)


I got that book sitting here and looking forward to reading it also - just in time for the movie. Wife's already rolling her eyes when I tell her I got to see that movie :)
read 1 of the walking dead books - road to woodberry and working on the other rise of the governor ... both books are pretty good - although IMO they could have used another 200 pages ... not much of a story and pretty much doesnt really get into much but if you like zombie stuff and like the walking dead these are decent
Ser Robert Strong, new addition to the kings guard. Built like a brick outhouse, doesnt say a word. Pretty sure he is the creation of that slimey former Maester that has been hanging around Kings Landing, the same guy that hand access to Gregors body.

Oh shii- Completely forgot about that! Yes...
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