thanks. do you thinkt he xls 200 would be good for action? i mainly want it for gaming and explosions.
The Edifier S2000 Pros arrived this afternoon and apart from a couple of signs they've been opened and returned I cannot believe I got them for £239 !!
I've not gamed with them yet, just been messing about with some music tracks and they sound so good. So happy with them, even though I may have pulled overclockers pants down with that deal !!
That's fantastic. They do look like nice speakers and £160 is a great saving.
Shame there is no subwoofer output for those who might want to add one; but maybe that is something Edifier don't include on any of their speakers.
Demoing some Focal Aria 906's on a whim to see how I get on with them.
I have them in my main music system in my living room. How you getting on with them ?
So far, so good. They're quite a 'bright' speaker, so the signature isn't too different from the LS50s - they're just not as metallic sounding and a fair bit smoother when it comes to trebles. I found the LS50s could get muddied and painful if there was too much heavy treble instrumentation going on; I'd need to dig the LS50s back out to make a proper comparison though which I'll do closer to the end of the month (it took me around a month to get used to the LS50s when I first got them). However, I already expected this from the frequency graphs that I looked at.
Bass is obviously noticeably greater. The LS50 has almost none in comparison while these dig down a fair bit more.
Tweeter dispersion is also superb. The LS50's are point source so for desktop usage like I am doing you shouldn't be able to get better than that - yet I don't feel I'm losing anything with the Focals. Moving my head around I cannot really tell a difference in the highs and even when I'm moving around the room there aren't any real big dips in the highs until I move to extreme angles. In short, I can barely tell a difference from the LS50s in that regard.
If I do decide to keep them, I think I'll plop for a black gloss finish though. Seems to be universally preferred and I did like that on the LS50s.
You probably won't agree with what I'm about to say but your amp is definitely letting the LS50's down, they really are not that efficient and they suck up power dipping down to 4 and 5.3 ohms in some tests, they need a meaty power supply and lots of juice, I've listened to them a few times and really wanted them myself but my amp just wasn't up to it.
I really recommend you try out the new B&W 606, or B&W 706, but @ the 706's price range you really need to think about a better amp.
I've been following this chap for a while, he has tested many speakers, LS50 being his favourite for many years.