I'm referring as to why it ground to a halt in the first place, I'm not suggesting we all go out a grab pick axes and rebuild all the mines. So my initial question still remains as to why it is viable in other MEDCS but not here - im curious as you seem to be knowledgable about the industry. For example in 2004 production here in Britian was ~25million tonnes but demand was ~60million, are we really as unself sufficiant as that? Why is demand only met by <50% internal production?
Australia manages to extract over 10 times more coal than here in Britian
LINK - maybe Australian coal miners are badly paid? given that we import a large amount of coal from Australia and the USA I would like to know what sets aside British miners from that of their australian or american counterparts?
You see your reply to vanpeebles really annoyed me, because you made it sound like one day Britain woke up and no longer needed coal. And the only viable answer to this was to systematically rip the heart of 100s of northern communities - and leave in there place deep rooted social decay that is still very much apparent in many places today? All Because it was 'inevitable'?? For real?
Now my only real input on the debate of Margret Thatcher is that the conservative party is currently reeping what it sowed in the 1980s. However I reserve judgment as to whether the policies at that time affected the country for better or worse.