Her "no such thing as society" quote sums her up o me and it is that very attitude that has seen society and community spirit crumble over the past 25 years. People are only interested in themselves these days.
penski said:"You suck like a leech, you want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you bitch so you can rich while your boss gets richer off you."
Thatcher didn't have the general populace in mind when she was in power. She had her friends and cronies in industry and the upper echelons in mind.
You should always vote for the individual who represents best both your personal views and your own economic and social background.
JimmyEatWorms said:Her "no such thing as society" quote sums her up o me and it is that very attitude that has seen society and community spirit crumble over the past 25 years. People are only interested in themselves these days.
VIRII said:I think economics should be compulsory to A level for all students so that they can see the mechanisms for an economy to spiral into decay.
dirtydog said:Rob from the poor to give to the rich.. yep that sounds like Maggie's redistributive policies.
It's funny that the more time that passes since her political demise, the more rosed tinted people's glasses become about her. It's especially amusing people who are only kids now wanting her back - they were in nappies in the 80s.
NonOfTheAbove said:I've got an 'A' level in Economics & could argue this either way with the conflicting paradigms I learnt.
Is there a positive economic model which has suggested privatising octopoid industries (& by that I mean rail & water provision rather than anything directly relating to octopii, or octopusses) in any way?
Was putting profit before safety ever worthwhile?
How can the privatised octopoid industries ever hope to compete with each other?
Thatcher's economic 'success' is dubious in the extreme. Examining child poverty figures from the 3 day week period it would appear we were far better off as a culture with stronger unions than in the later 'entrepreneur' period.
robmiller said:Tell me about it! I was alive for just three years of her being Prime Minister, and yet there are idiots in my year who are, for some inane reason, completely in love with her - despite knowing nothing of her or her policies. It's really, really weird and more than slightly scary.
bikes said:I can still remember the day the torys got in power I was 19 at the time and it was the first time I could vote. My god, what a mess she made of the country.
VIRII said:What is more scary is the refusal of some people to look back at facts in unemotive ways and assess the impact the decisions made then have now.
vanpeebles said:probably because i or they can still see poverty stricken towns and estates that used to be ok places with a sense of community. the union thing is one argument but theres no ignoring what her rule did to the people of this country and its never been the same place since.
player said:Well VIRII would you explain to me why coal mining seems viable in other MEDCS whilst in Britain the industry has virtually ceased to exist?
VIRII said:Do you recall the gravediggers refusing to dig graves, the rubbish collectors refusing to collect rubbish, the rats, the TV going off, the lack of electricity, the lack of food ? I do.
VIRII said:What is more scary is the refusal of some people to look back at facts in unemotive ways and assess the impact the decisions made then have now.
Even Gordon Brown attributes todays current economic success to Thatcher.
For those who are oblivious to things he is the Chancellor of the Exchequer - hopefully he knows more about Economics and running the finances of a country than most of us do.
dirtydog said:The three day week and rubbish piling up on the streets happened under Ted Heath's Conservative reign from 1970-74. It's not as if the country was in a wonderful state when Labour won in 74 was it!
dirtydog said:Gordon Brown is a complete (insert any number of words which are against forum rules).
FWIW I do think Thatcher did some good things and I've never said she didn't. The people who think the sun shone out of her arse however need to take the rose tints off.
In theory... in practice I wouldn't let him run my household budget.
VIRII said:I'd still prefer polltax to council tax though.
VIRII said:I'd still prefer polltax to council tax though.
DoCoMo said:eh?? You'd rather pay a tax per head instead of per household?
Weren't there some really bad riots over the poll tax?