What did maggie do?

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VIRII said:
Wandsworth would have got an equal share of help and by being careful with its spending kept tax low.
Is there something wrong with that ? Should councils not be looking to charge us less by being efficient ?

What happens now is that those that were efficient get less help and so have to put tax up rather than pass the benefits to their area. No incentive to be efficient - typical labour.

Not at all. Thatcher did exactly what you are accusing Labour of doing, but in reverse - she moved funds from Labour heartlands to Tory councils to 'prove' that Tory plans for a local rate system would be cheap.

And thats before we even get started on how the Tory run council dropped the CT by 11% in an election year, only to raise it by 45% the year after.....
Visage said:
Not at all. Thatcher did exactly what you are accusing Labour of doing, but in reverse - she moved funds from Labour heartlands to Tory councils to 'prove' that Tory plans for a local rate system would be cheap.

And thats before we even get started on how the Tory run council dropped the CT by 11% in an election year, only to raise it by 45% the year after.....

Indeed. VIRII do you think Tory politicians are more honourable than Labour ones or something? They're all the same.
Visage said:
Not at all. Thatcher did exactly what you are accusing Labour of doing, but in reverse - she moved funds from Labour heartlands to Tory councils to 'prove' that Tory plans for a local rate system would be cheap.

And thats before we even get started on how the Tory run council dropped the CT by 11% in an election year, only to raise it by 45% the year after.....

I disagree, Labour are definately doing what I suggested and totally control local council taxes in a way the tories never did.
Thatcher - council tax - ???? I don't think so.
dirtydog said:
Indeed. VIRII do you think Tory politicians are more honourable than Labour ones or something? They're all the same.

I think people are giving Blair a lot more leeway then they are giving thatcher.
Labour got in on accusations of sleaze - what hypocrites. Are labour politicians more hypocritical ? Yes.
Have Labour pushed their social agenda which has led to this debacle with PC and immigration ? Yes. Do I prefer Thatcher to this bunch ? Yes.
vanpeebles said:
but i already showed u figures, that showed people in durham are paying more than the national average. and durham is a supposed labour stronghold.

YOu showed me figures for what they are paying not for the amount of GOvt subsidy they get.
vanpeebles said:
well if i go off the state of the round roads here, and the street lamp that aint been fixed for weeks. not a lot :p ;)

Hehe the same everywhere.
My council tax has risen by about £700 in 3 years - all as a result of ...... lower financial help from Govt. The grant has been radicalyl reduced hence the tax has gone up and the services have gone down.
VIRII said:
I disagree, Labour are definately doing what I suggested and totally control local council taxes in a way the tories never did.
Thatcher - council tax - ???? I don't think so.

So you're saying that Thatcher never interfered with individual councils?
VIRII said:
I think people are giving Blair a lot more leeway then they are giving thatcher.
Labour got in on accusations of sleaze - what hypocrites. Are labour politicians more hypocritical ? Yes.
Have Labour pushed their social agenda which has led to this debacle with PC and immigration ? Yes. Do I prefer Thatcher to this bunch ? Yes.

How many Labour ministers have been jailed, compared to ex-Tory ministers? :p What about Aitken and his trusty sword of truth? :D
NeedleGunner said:
Hundreds Killed, Belgrano sank, all for an island that most youngsters don't even know is part of the English Empire along side the fact the only resisdents are penguins :confused:

How un informed you are! People live on the falkland islands.
Thatcher was just like all other PM's. She did good and bad.

The worst thing she did was to sell national companies. National companies were never designed to make huge profits, They were there to provide a service and provide jobs for people. When she sold off the telephone network it pretty much made £100 per second profit overnight but, they laid off thousands of workers to make it cost efficient.........not the best thing she did by far.
dirtydog said:
How many Labour ministers have been jailed, compared to ex-Tory ministers? :p What about Aitken and his trusty sword of truth? :D

Must have the PMs wife pulling strings for them.
I guess you prefer the hypocrisy of people like Blair sending his kids to schools that you'll never send yours to :)
Sputnik II said:
How un informed you are! People live on the falkland islands.
Thatcher was just like all other PM's. She did good and bad.

The worst thing she did was to sell national companies. National companies were never designed to make huge profits, They were there to provide a service and provide jobs for people. When she sold off the telephone network it pretty much made £100 per second profit overnight but, they laid off thousands of workers to make it cost efficient.........not the best thing she did by far.

The best thing she did by far. This is a GLOBAL economy and we are competing with GLOBAL businesses. We can not stop a foreign firm setting up competition to Royal Mail or British Telecom or gas, electric, water or anything else.
Thank god our companies were shipshape before that global competition became a serious threat.
VIRII said:
Must have the PMs wife pulling strings for them.
I guess you prefer the hypocrisy of people like Blair sending his kids to schools that you'll never send yours to :)

Perhaps you have wrongly inferred that I don't think Blair is a hypocrite, or indeed a scumbag :) I think most politicians of all persuasions are the same though, and there are good and bad in all parties.
VIRII said:
Please tell me what involvement she had with council tax as per your original statement.

OK....my terminology was slack.

If the best you can do is pick me up on using poll tax/council tax interchangeably, then your arguments must be pretty shaky.....

Tell you waht - from now on is shall use the phrase 'local tax', to mean council tax/poll tax according to what was in operation at the time. OK.

So.....are you saying that Thatcher never interfered with 'local tax' for political gain?
dirtydog said:
Perhaps you have wrongly inferred that I don't think Blair is a hypocrite, or indeed a scumbag :) I think most politicians of all persuasions are the same though, and there are good and bad in all parties.

Personally I feel Labour are by far more hypocritical, nothing worse than a grasping socialist who denies you one thing whilst lining his own pockets.
At least with Tories there is no suprise when they turn out to be in it for themselves.
Visage said:
OK....my terminology was slack.

If the best you can do is pick me up on using poll tax/council tax interchangeably, then your arguments must be pretty shaky.....

Tell you waht - from now on is shall use the phrase 'local tax', to mean council tax/poll tax according to what was in operation at the time. OK.

So.....are you saying that Thatcher never interfered with 'local tax' for political gain?

Well unless you can tell me what local tax she is supposed to have interfered with ? Certainly was not Poll tax or Council tax.
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