Stuck 5 miles away from home, pushed it and ridden on cycling paths for 2 miles to nearest fast food...
Whilst sittings and waiting I did some googling my symptoms are sounding like the rectifier or regulator
Honda's are awful for Reg/Rec problems....just saying. Pretty much every Honda built in the 90's and 2000's either has had, or will have a failed one!
Reg and Rect are 2 seprate pieces which are placed in the same chamber/place, right? I'm a newbie when it comes to mechanics, I only know how a 1 cylinder 2T engine works on a carburettor.My Honda Shadows reg/rect failed. that was within 2 years from brand new
four Kawasaki's and none have failed (touch wood)
ive had the same thing happen though but it turns out the battery had died
My Japanese bike had a recall for its rectifier which I had replaced earlier this year. Get it fixed and carry on with the KTM imo. It's a much nicer bike than a naked jap 125 (unless you want to drop a packet on an MT125).