What did you do to your bike today?

Pulled an accidental wheelie at a traffic light, revved her up dropped the clutch thinking this will be a sweet well planted get away, front wheel up and the bike stalled... very embarrasing :(

First time I did that was with a pillion, didn't expect it to come up so easily with someone on the back. If it hadn't stalled, would it have looped?
Thats quite a scary thought when your pillion has their entire trust and life in your hands eeeek!

Yes, I was kicking myself afterwards, now I know how easy it lifts with someone on the back, rest assured I won't be making the same mistake again! The only bright side is I had already had some wheelie practice so knew what was happening and how to cope, it came back down smoothly but it does happen fast when you're not expecting it.
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And that's why I'm quite happy never having anyone on the back of my bike. Don't mind taking my own arse in my hands.
you'll feel the handlebars go light on hard acceleration when the fronts about to lift,and they twitch a little I dont think ive ever wheelied with a pillion on
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With a pillion it doesn't go light, it just lifts clean up in the air if you accelerate hard and don't put your chest towards the tank.

It's even worse when your pillion is day dreaming at the time.
it was a great day today weatherwise,stayed out that little bit extra as I couldn't resist a random ride,i hope its like this every december
Who's off work still? I'm off for another 2 weeks, my bike ends on eBay tomorrow and hopefully it'll meet the reserve price, and I can finally go out and start my search. :)
Back to work tomorrow, roll on summer! although it was pretty nice today, thought about going for a ride but by the time I'd done few bits it was already getting dark.
Just picked up a full set of new pads for £14 off eBay, I knew those nectar points would come in useful one day.
Not my bike but gave a brand new Honda Crossrunner demo unit a good spanking.

Rather impressed! Not my cup of tea for a personal bike but for works use it was good stuff. That V4 is intoxicating when you get it on the boil! The Akra on it sounded pretty immense also. The LED headlights were FANTASTIC! Best lights I have ever used on a bike. :D
Yer I like the looks of those. I was looking at the older ones as they're a bit of a bargain as they were kind of fugly. Basically a jacked up VFR isn't it?

Edit, They're actually called VFR800X now, the older one's weren't I don't think.
I liked the look of the Crossrunner, and took one for a test last year before settling on the XR. Quite a fun bike for the size, but even on the move it felt a little too heavy for me, disproportionately so for the size. It needs to shed 20 - 30 kg.
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