What did you do to your bike today?

I can't tell you that, going put a deposit down on it for just in case :p

It is in the Sheffield area mate, I think there are some others there too, but with higher mileage, SMC is the shop name. :)

EDIT; I too don't like the exhaust on the SV, it looks mahooooooooosive!
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Stubby all the way for the SV! Such a waste otherwise

This one saved me more than once

I wonder if i'm spending too much on a first bike? Before i did my DAS i said to myself i'll only spend £3k on my first one as i'll likely come off it or drop it, not saying it will happen but there is a 50/50 chance. I'll still be annoyed if i drop a £3k bike but it'll hurt a bit more if it's a £5k bike :p
I guess it depends Clov!s my mindset is that if I drop my bike, then, yeah I would be hurt but not as much. I initially had my heart set on the MT-07 but, if I crashed, or dropped it, I would be gutted.

If you want the experience, then I think a cheaper bike is a must. Then again the SV 650 does feel like a premium bike, just like the MT-07 :)
I wonder if i'm spending too much on a first bike? Before i did my DAS i said to myself i'll only spend £3k on my first one as i'll likely come off it or drop it, not saying it will happen but there is a 50/50 chance. I'll still be annoyed if i drop a £3k bike but it'll hurt a bit more if it's a £5k bike :p

Just buy what you like and will enjoy. Don't worry about if you're going to drop or crash it, just hope you don't (and be careful!).
I wonder if i'm spending too much on a first bike? Before i did my DAS i said to myself i'll only spend £3k on my first one as i'll likely come off it or drop it, not saying it will happen but there is a 50/50 chance. I'll still be annoyed if i drop a £3k bike but it'll hurt a bit more if it's a £5k bike :p

I spent £5k on Lucy and she's my first ;)
today i went into my garage, lifted the cover up patted her on the tank and said " not long now baby, not long"

soon as my ankle heals up im goin for a fix
Have you settled on an SV650 then IC3? When you doing your tests?

Most likely, I might get a chance to test ride SV in Feb as right now it was waaay too cold and slippery. If not, then I'll do what I did when I bought my KTM. :p

Just buy what you like and will enjoy. Don't worry about if you're going to drop or crash it, just hope you don't (and be careful!).

The only reason why I'm spending less, is the fact it could get stolen and will be stored outside. I don't want a brand new bike being store outside since the 1st day... The other thing is, I wouldn't push a newer bike as much as I'll an older bike. (I probably would, but you get my point xD)
Good bikes the triples. Test rode a street shortly after doing my DAS. Scared the life out of me :D

Well....I scared the life out of me in that the way it made me want to ride. There's power all over the rev range and the smile it gives you going from 30 in 3rd to.......fast.

I got the SV after that but for a few reasons. I always liked SVs and said I would have one for my first bike.
I also felt I wouldn't last long without the experience on a bigger bike to keep the street upright (with the way it was making me ride).

Some things to remember:
Everyone is different so what someone felt or experienced on a bike doesn't mean it will be the same for you
Whatever you get you are going to be faster than most cars
Get what you like as otherwise you will end up longing for the bike you didn't pick
Remove factory exhaust ASAP (putting an aftermarket one on is optional ;))
Managed to whip out the rear wheel and get the tyre off before the heavens opened. Hopefully the rain will have passed and my tyre delivered by time i get home. Not ideal weather to be scrubbing in new rubber.


Gives me a chance to clean out all the road grime from the swingarm shock linkage and give it a good acf50'ing.
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