Just bought this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Laser-4878-...&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
Fitted this lot + straight through link pipe.
Not sure if you saw it, but have a look at my 2 day wales trip report, that was my first trip, and the 800 miles in 2 days nearly killed me!! I was done for a couple of days after, felt like crap!
Was time to change the rear pads but the bloody plug would not budge. Had to mince it to get it off with a hammer, punch and plenty of WD40.New plug ordered. Wemoto to the rescue again !
Sounds like a good time there fellaUpdate us with how the fork seals go as no doubt my Hornet will need doing at some point in the future.