I replaced oil + filters today, but screwed up.
One of the oil filter screws wouldn't budge, so I put a bit too much pressure on it and heard a pop. I've ruined the thread in the hole.
The screw was an m5x16. Would it be possible to rethread it? If so, what would I need?
How did you ruin a thread whilst undoing it? Did you accidentally turn it the wrong way and strip it, or do you mean the bolt sheared off in the hole?
If you are tapping it to M6 then you first need to drill the hole out to the correct tapping size (5mm). Not doing this is most likely what caused the tap to break.
Also when hand tapping you don't just keep turning in one direction either. After you have the tap started correctly, make about 1/4 of a turn and then back the tap out about 1/3 of a turn. As you turn backwards you will feel the tap cut off the material it shaved on the way forwards. If you keep going in one direction it is likely to get tight and shear off. WD40 makes a reasonable tapping lubricant on aluminum, it's purpose is primarily to stop the alloy sticking to the steel tap.
If it's a deep thread then periodically back the tap all the way out and clean the debris from the tap and the hole before resuming cutting.
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