What did you do to your bike today?

Big red condom for the r1

Chopped the throttle cables down carefully. Ruined the last cable set so took my time this time


Might take the stickers off before mot


One carb in. The 28mm carbs are a bit bigger than the originals so are a bit of a squeeze :)
Big red condom for the r1

I picked a pair of those up for my bikes.



I still use a clean dust sheet (stolen bedsheet, Mrs don't know sshhh) for the GSA as they're a bit of a faff getting on and off, or would be on a daily basis.

Thought those carbs didn't look standard, the originals were Mikuni weren't they? That easy peel sticker tho.. :o:D
Put some loops on the rear mudguard to mount a kriega us-5 to. Was a bit of a faff ensuring it was symmetrical and didn’t foul or overlap with ridges in the plastic. It was made slightly harder again as I needed space for the kriega grab strap.

This is probably the last thing I’ll be doing to the bike other than maintenance/repairs but I’m sure there will be plenty of that!


First test of the tec wax wash in proofing this morning. Considering it was only done a week or so ago I'm not that impressed. After a 15 ish minute ride my arms were not dry...and it wasn't even heavy rain
It depends on the state of the membrane as well, my textile kit let's in a little water around the elbows even after a reproofing I'm assuming that as it's a heavily flexed area the membrane has simply worn and no amount of reproofing will ever get it perfect.
Different. :eek:


This Hornet belongs to the owner of my local riding school who also happens to assist me in running my Fire & Rescue Service Biker Down courses. He was out today on a lesson with a pupil, waiting at a roundabout to join the flow of traffic when a female driver in the Renault rear ended him at speed, knocking him off into the traffic on the roundabout. Luckily he was relatively uninjured, suffering bruising. Bike didn't fare so well though, as you can see.
Sorry mate, didn’t see you :mad: She was probably too busy looking for a gap to pull out in to.

The first few milliseconds of impact must have felt horrific for the biker. I’m normally unfazed by falling off (off-road mind) but I’d be a wreck after that shock.
Watched a woman checking the contents of her bag on the passenger seat while running through a red lit ped crossing yesterday. The only reason she knew what she did was me sounding my horn as she passed. F'ing useless
I will always maintain that women shouldn't be allowed to operate cars. Call me sexist all you want but their situational awareness seems to only exist in a 10deg field of vision which is only where they're looking at the time. The stuff you see women do it amazing.
I will always maintain that women shouldn't be allowed to operate cars. Call me sexist all you want but their situational awareness seems to only exist in a 10deg field of vision which is only where they're looking at the time. The stuff you see women do it amazing.
Women are accidental hazards, men are calculated hazards in my experience. A woman will hit you because she's looking at her phone or something whereas a man will go out of his way to cause you issues because you overtook or filtered past him or some other perceived slight.

I can never decide what's worse.
Women are accidental hazards, men are calculated hazards in my experience. A woman will hit you because she's looking at her phone or something whereas a man will go out of his way to cause you issues because you overtook or filtered past him or some other perceived slight.

I can never decide what's worse.

Spot on!

My instructor always used to say that women ought not to be on the road - he said that they have no situational awareness whatsoever, and had dozens of stories about his experience with female car drivers, he also had a female under his tuition, who refused to ride into Swindon as she was scared; then went into a full on meltdown and wouldn't ride back to his place! Apparently, the woman's other half had to come pick her up, then do some ferrying so that my instructor could get his L plated bike back.

I have seen so many women focusing on so much more than actually driving - the usual, make-up, hair, mirrors (looking at themselves I guess), or having a full on face to face chat with passengers! That's not to say that all women are that bad, but my own experience of driving/riding for the last @18 years, has shown an overwhelming number of women doing stupid and dangerous **** on the road.

But with men, they mostly want to defend their willy, or their manliness - and will often drive/ride like they have a death wish, or that they're in a video game.
In 25 years of commuting what I've learned is that men and women in vehicles (not just cars) are equally dangerous. Ride like they're all out to kill you.
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