What do people want to achieve from being rude?

I can see no positive benefit from being rude to others, especially towards shop and customer service staff.

From experience of working for EE in inbound telesales several years ago some customers knew that if they were rude and obnoxious enough and complained to the right manager it would get what they wanted, a very cheap phone deal. The problem was that they kept expecting it and so the cycle would continue every time they wanted a new phone. If they were rude enough and complained enough they would be given what they wanted to just make the go away.

Of course being on the end of the phone made the problem even worse as its not face to face and in public. I had a colleague who had a thick Indian accent. The amount of racist abuse they took was abhorrent and a common occurrence, just because they couldn't give a customer a free iPhone 6 for £20 per month.
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People just seem really angry, but then looking at the state of the country I’m not surprised.

Arrive home yesterday to a woman blocking the lift with her suitcase. So I held the button to hold the lift. Then she gets shirty with me for ‘rushing her’ and then sarcastically wishes me ‘a good day’. I was shocked, all I could get out was ‘I’m not rushing you’.

Cut up on the roads a couple of weeks ago with a guy being in the wrong lane. I beeped since I had to take avoiding action. He proceeds to wind down his window with a load of anger.

The problem is, I feel it too these days. There are moments, like with the car incident, where I could floor the guy, but I try hard to rise above it all. The problem is when you’re having a really bad day yourself.
One of the reasons I left my last job was peoples unpleasant behaviour. I had to stop myself chucking one of them over a bridge into a canal! That was just about the last straw...
Anyway, the OP must have had a hundred job interviews by now since telling us (several times...) that she was leaving the supermarket, so...
Everyone needs to work in retail.

I did, for a few months. I have also been a petrol pump attendant, a shelf stacker and I also delivered pizzas for a bit. Trust me, I know exactly what I share this planet with.

The difference was that I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and got on with it, rather than whine like a little bitch at every turn ;)
Because, corporate greed has led to making everything immensely more frustrating, and quite often nothing works properly and wastes everyone's time.

People are getting sick of it.

If company's don't want people to be rude to their workers and lose their ****, they should actually put the time and money into making whatever experience/product they are selling better.

Yes it is unfortunate that the minimum wage workers get the brunt of it, but otherwise everyone is screaming into the abyss at faceless and unaccountable corporate greed.
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Yes it is unfortunate that the minimum wage workers get the brunt of it, but otherwise everyone is screaming into the abyss at faceless and unaccountable corporate greed.

That or people just can’t control themselves properly, and with some level of decency towards another individual.

I don’t think it’s particularly fair to dismiss people being outright rude or aggressive as ‘someone else’s’ fault. You either have control over your own emotions, or you don’t.
back when I worked behind a bar I gave people 1 warning if they were being obnoxious to me..... after that I told them to leave and kindly not come back. thankfully it was a locals pub and the only people like that were not regulars (landlord may not have had my back if I tried to kick one of them).
I do hate rudeness and it is defo one of my triggers. almost came to blows a few times pulling people away from the bar who pushed me out of the way to get served 1st.
(1 funny story....... I was out in Manchester celebrating and 2 guys in expensive suits came to the bar, one pushed in front of me. the guys mate said to him that guy is in front of you, to which he said.... it doesn't matter he is only a f.....g student. the lass behind the bar saw all this and (should have been stronger) kind of froze. I piped up it was ok serve them 1st.
after that I said to the bar lass please add a pint of blackcurrant onto my order. she did. I proceeded to take it and pour it over the plonker he said do you know how much this suit cost to which I said no mate I am only a f.....g student.

I really can't stand rude folk and will risk a beating to stick it to them. (it did help I was with a large group in the bar watching it)
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Without bad days and bad people, good days and good people would pass unnoticed.
Funny that, I have the ability to recognise good days and good people without the need for some ******** sat on the side lines reminding me with their awful behaviour.

It's almost like you're trying to excuse their behaviour... But I'm sure you're not.
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