What do you do when a Council Officer walks up to you?

that time was even more ridiculous in my opinion.. again i dropped it in a drain but the drain was on my property (i was smoking at the front of my house), and the drain is literally on my driveway where my car parks... and fyi my house is in a gated residence, kinda like a cul-de-sac.. not like a house on the main road
You have to be careful what you put down drains though, that's how they got Dennis Nilsen.
If they made them actually bio-degradable it wouldn't be as much of an issue. They seem to stick around for a long time and do clogg drains.
First off use a bin, but it’s questionable if a cigarette is actually litter. Secondly use a bin.

I suppose it is questionable

You can always tell when the tourists are down here, I live near a holiday park (well a mile or so) you can see they buy there fast food crap in Bodmin and when it's done it's lobbed out of the window near said park , these are not poor skum bags either paying 1000:s a week but money doesn't make a difference as we all know
You can always tell when the tourists are down here, I live near a holiday park (well a mile or so) you can see they buy there fast food crap in Bodmin and when it's done it's lobbed out of the window near said park , these are not poor skum bags either paying 1000:s a week but money doesn't make a difference as we all know

It does, usually rich people are even bigger scumbags
And then you get the Council doing stupid things like this which sounds unbelievable.
I know this couple - https://www.itv.com/news/central/20...00-littering-fine-for-putting-envelope-in-bin
The odd thing about that story (and I do believe it) is that both of the couples received fines. Yet only one person could have committed the "offence". If the name was on the envelope then both would not have received a fine. If no name was on it then they could have both appealed on the basis it wasn't them. Both fines can't be upheld.
It would be helpful to have bins with sections for cigarette butts like they do in some other countries. Never liked the idea of a recently lit thing going into a bin with potentially flammable things.

I have more of a peeve about dog owners either leaving turds on the footpaths or, as I've seen lots of times, going to the trouble of bagging it up and then leaving it in the bushes. So now you have a turd wrapped in plastic.

First off use a bin, but it’s questionable if a cigarette is actually litter. Secondly use a bin.
A ciggy butt is definitely litter, it's rubbish that you've dropped on the ground and IIRC they've been shown to not biodegrade in any reasonable timeframe under normal circumstances.

If it was cigarette or pipe ash I'd possibly argue slightly differently.

because it's waste, non biodegradable, and you're throwing it on the floor.
It's not really any different to a sweet wrapper or your polystyrene cup/burger box except for the size.
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