What do you pay for Sky / Virgin media

6 May 2009
We have been starved of Sky sports and broadband for 3 years and have signed for another apartment today where its available.

Calling Sky, they couldn't give me a price because he told me it varied based on the current details and said to ring back when I have the property address.

How much is:

Standard Sky TV
Sky Sports
Sky Broadband Fibre unlimited & unlimited pro (38mb / 76mb from understanding)
Sky phone line required for broadband

Should we look at Virgin media or other companies? - We have had NTL and Virgin media in the past and both were nothing on Sky
Don't forget to go through topcashback too.

We got a 6 month half price deal, plus about £140 cash back, then after the 6 months were up i phoned to cancel sports / movies and they gave me another 3 months half price, then again, i phoned to cancel and they extended again. I'm out of contract now with sky so can leave any time.
I pay £86~ a month without Sky Sport or Movies...

Broadband (Fibre)
Sky+ HD (everything but sports and movies)
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~£75/month, superfast broadband (which is only marginally faster), phone, HD+, couple of packages etc.

However when it's through it's contract period I reckon we'll be dumping the whole lot as increasingly the wife is watching stuff on netflix and my daughter prefers youtube/netflix anyway. I tend to only watch Game of thrones on it, never been much of a TV maker.

So license fee won't be getting paid either as the telly will go..

No cable option in my area or I'd jump at it.
Virgin media
Broadband Fibre "Unlimited" £34 ---100MB

Started with 30MB when I 1st joined but have been "supercharged" for free sometime ago to 100MB.

Don't need or what t.v as I got netflix and prime(free)
Recieved a discount code a while back. I pay £25 for all sky channels, including HD.

The code was valid for 25 months, it was to celebrate Sky's 25th anniversary or something.

But yeah, 25 month contract at 25 a month isn't bad. though to be honest i rarely watch TV. I just use it for some background noise!
Keep an eye on topcashback for deals on sky. I picked up telephone / bb(up to 20mb) and all the packages (inc sports and movies) for £36/month. But that's now expired
If you wait for a bit, no doubt there will be a 50% off sky offer on again. Currently it's 25% off for 12 months.

Personally, we pay for BT Infinity 2 because Sky's fibre offering seems to be limited to 40MB and just get TV from Sky.
We pay £68 a month with Virgin Media and this gets us:

100MB Broadband
Unlimited Phone usage (as long as you hang up before the hour its free)
TV without the movie and sports etc.

For the movies/sports I use Now TV and I will just sub a month when there is a decent amount on, when there is nothing going I just don't re-sub for the following month.
I got BT TV with sports channels, fiber 38meg unlimited, call and landline for £29 a month, 12 month contract for both fiber and phone line :D plus £125 prepaid visa and £166 from topcashback works out 4.75 a month:D.:D
I win:p
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