What does this road sign mean.....

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In the situation you describe 60mph

Yes I agree people that stick to 40mph and the carry on doing to 40mph in a 30mph afterwards is more irritating. However if a person is not a confident driver then I can get why 40 feels quick.

This sign though it the best one! :D :cool:


My personal favourite is this one

There are situations where the road is perfectly safe to do 60 (or even the mandated 50) like the road I mentioned earlier but it's not safe to overtake because of all the bends. You've also got the situation where they drive at just the 'right' speed to make it so it's dangerous to overtake in the 'safe spots' without breaking the speed limits. Plus these aren't people who don't know the area, they're primarily people who live in the same village as me and should know the road pretty well :mad:

And it's not even hooning it, it's just driving along at the a speed that 90% of the car drivers actually do on that bit of road :rolleyes:

Yes but not everyone is like you and whilst it is safe for you to do 60 maybe they don't feel safe doing 60. That's just the way it is.

And if you overtake I hope you do go over the speed limit as you want to limit your TED (time exposed to danger). As long as you drop back down to the speed limit after the overtake of course ;) technically you're not supposed to go over the limit of course as it is a limit, but personally I'm happy to take that chance to overtake a car, which i can do in a handful of seconds as a result.

If it is dangerous to overtake, just drop back, and keep your observation going, there may be an opportunity to overtake. Or just accept that the person is not likely to speed up. Don't tailgate them or behave aggressively as that is more dangerous.
NSL when its safe to do so, the single lane country roads (around Derbyshire anyways) are not safe for 60 imo. but there are sections where you could put the hammer down. people who do 40 around them are just scared. Just overtake them on blind corners :D
It means ~22-25mph to me depending on gradient, or sometimes ~30-32mph if my legs are working really well.

To answer the op, in this specific context it would have course tell me that the limit is 60mph, but as this obviously means take the speed limit that applies to the category of vehicle you're driving, and is obviously impractical to replace it with a sign saying "60mph", I'm not really sure of the point of the thread.
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